Daily Inspirational Quotes – Day # 108

Daily # 108 ‘Focus on your own future, and do not compromise your plans in order to gain the approval of others.’ – Gaylene Nepia There are times when we tend to give our power away – by allowing other to dictate what we do. It is alright to solicit opinions from other people but you […]

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Daily Inspirational Quotes – Day # 79
albert einstein

Daily Quote # 79   ‘Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.’ -Albert Einstein Yes, we all want to see results. But my question is this – if you truly want to see remarkable results, then it stands to reason, why not try different methods if the one you last […]

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Daily Inspirational Quotes – Day#24

Daily Quote #24       ‘Work hard in silence. Let success be your noise.’ -Frank Ocean Oh, the thrill of working in silence! We are so afraid of silence. Our minds are constantly ‘thinking’. We feel the need to vocalize every thought, every action we intend to do. The best form of success is […]

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