About Me
I was born a little over half a century ago into a family of five – three girls (of which I am in the middle), mother and father. We lived on a small Caribbean island before emigrating to the USA. That was a big move for our family.
I finished college and then decided to embark on a career of travel: well, purportedly for a few years before returning to management – this part did not happen.
I was eighteen years old when I started my work life. I started in the central bank of my country and worked my way up to become one of the bank’s auditors for the tourism industry. This was a great opportunity but after a few years of deadlines and late nights, numbers were my friends, but slowly began to burn through my dreams. I loved working with figures but I also loved my time off, which was never enough. I switched careers.
I studied Architecture and figured this might be the way or my path in life. After a few years, I decided to take some time off and travel the world a bit. I enjoyed the travel so much that I decided to stay in the travel industry for a while. I loved the experiences of exploring new cultures and meeting interesting people; but most of all, I loved the freedom of time – my time.
On my days off, I dabbled in stocks trading, foreign currency trading and real estate opportunities. I enjoyed them all. However, one thing they all had in common was the cyclic patterns – up and down and no sense of timing. I lost money across the board. Another few years and then I realized that I needed to do things on my own terms I needed to be my own boss.
And so the search began for opportunities to make enough money to ensure financial independence and the ability to work – if I chose to, or not.
Now, along the way, I got side-tracked by affairs of the heart called love. I fell in love and became a mother to boot: that being the best part of that story. With the love came another migration, namely to Europe, where I currently live.
In my life as I have evolved, one thing that has been a constant is my computer. I LOVE my computer. I love the opportunities it affords me wherever I may be. It is to this end, that you are reading this article. I decided that I could use the computer to help create that financial independence that I seek.
I am now embarking on a course to learn internet marketing, namely affiliate marketing, web creation, and web design. And I am doing this through Wealthy Affiliate; I found this awesome educational source while, yes, you guessed it – perusing the web!
I did my due diligence and loads of research and finally decided that this is indeed worthy of my attention. It promotes education, and in the end your time freedom and financial independence. Of course, all this means that you are the in the driver’s seat. You don’t follow the course, i.e. educational material, then you might not arrive at your destination – your future the way you want it, time and money independence.
SO, in a nutshell, this is my strategy and my journey begins. Care to join me? I know we all love and value our time, so why not share the journey together?
Leave your thoughts below in the comment box or get in touch with me directly at Wealthy Affiliate; here is my link as I would love to hear from you!

Website: https:YesUcanDOit.com
Email: michelle@yesucandoit.com