Daily Inspirational Quotes – Day#28
you are the best

Daily Quote #28   ‘Never stop doing your best just because someone does not give you credit.’ Anonymous Remember, you do NOT need anyone to validate WHO you are, WHAT you do and WHY you do it! As long as you are secure in your own ‘skin’, then everything else has its place.

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Daily Inspirational Quotes – Day#27
crumble and rebuild

Daily Quote #27     ‘Sometimes things fall apart, so that better things can fall together’ -Marilyn Munroe Yes, there will be times when things seem to fall apart and we get frustrated because things are not going the way we planned. Well, I have news for you – when things fall apart, chances are, they […]

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Daily Inspirational Quotes – Day#26
to do list

Daily Quote #26 ‘Five things to quit right now – trying to please everyone fearing change living in the past putting yourself down overthinking’ Anonymous   Of course, we all have our TO DO LISTS! But the true question is this – how much of our to do list really gets done? We all have […]

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Daily Inspirational Quotes – Day#25

Daily Quote #25       ‘Kindness is not an act; it’s a lifestyle’. -Anthony Douglass Williams We have often heard it said – acts of kindness, kill them with kindness…all sporadic moments of kindness. Wouldn’t it be more wonderful for our world if we make the effort each day to just do one act of […]

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Daily Inspirational Quotes – Day#24

Daily Quote #24       ‘Work hard in silence. Let success be your noise.’ -Frank Ocean Oh, the thrill of working in silence! We are so afraid of silence. Our minds are constantly ‘thinking’. We feel the need to vocalize every thought, every action we intend to do. The best form of success is […]

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Daily Inspirational Quotes – Day#23
field of flowers communal garden

Daily Quote # 23   “Nothing is impossible, the word itself says ‘I’m possible’!” -Audrey Hepburn   This is such a beautiful way to interpret the word ‘impossible’. It just goes to show that when you take things in small steps, you can achieve much greatness. It does not seem as threatening as a whole. […]

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Daily Inspirational Quotes – Day#22

Daily Quote #22       “Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. If you love what you are doing, you will be successful”. -Albert Schweitzer It should be constantly repeated – if you love what you do, you will never work a day in your life. If you […]

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Daily Inspirational Quotes – Day#21
chalk man on upward steps

Daily Quote #21 “Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts”. -Winston Churchill As we climb the ladder of success, we need to remember that with each step up the ladder, your foot has to come down to reach the next step upwards. The way to success […]

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Daily Inspirational Quotes – Day#20
starting point

Daily Quote #20     “The starting point of all achievement is desire”. -Napoleon Hill I love this quote. I also love reading Napoleon Hill – he is a wealth of information. To begin any venture, we need a vision. To see that vision come to fruition, we need desire – the motivating force between […]

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