raw food formula

[Mega PLR Ready-To-Go] Raw Food Formula

Creator: Daniel Taylor

Cost: $7 Early Bird Price – Then will increase to $17

raw food formula

My Rating

The Early Bird price is only available before the below timer expires

Just What Is Raw Food Formula?

The Raw Food Formula (PLR Mega Package) is an information packed collection of everything you need to know and ever wondered about when it comes to the raw food diet that I am sure you may have heard about.

With our world becoming more conscious of their health (and it’s about time), everyone seems on a quest to take the necessary actions to promote their best health.

It is a course which is chockful of information that you can use as well as information that you can easily convert into potential product sales for your raw food health business.

Yes, you will have a ‘ticket’ to be able to produce your very own digital product to share to the world of like-minded individuals and help so many people along the way.

You will be able to:

  • Resell this product as your very own keeping 100% of the profits. Ready-to-go means you don’t have to do anything to it.
  • Use it for your very own benefit. Learn from it and master this particular niche. Or teach others what you’ve learned.
  • Give it away to your mailing list or attract new subscribers to join. A potentially great way to build your list and gain credibility.
  • Add it to your sales funnel to boost conversions and profit 100% from it. Sale funnels are a great way to convert this product.
  • Add it to web stores online such as Amazon (as a Kindle ebook), JvZoo, WarriorPlus, Tradebit, Payloadz, Clickbank and more. A great way to sell products on autopilot.
  • Rebrand it, making it your very own. Comes with its very own mini-site and sales material. All the hard work is done for you.

Who Is This Product For

Of course, anyone who has been sick, knows the value of being healthy – it is just life experiences doing their thing.

Eating healthy is nothing new, we just all need to be more focused on taking the necessary steps to keep doing it to maintain our health – and eating raw is another way that a lot of people are ‘latching onto’ – for want of a better word.

This product is for anyone who has found themselves asking these questions:

  • Raw Food Diet: What Is It and Should It Be Considered For Your Health?
  • What Are The Rules For The Raw Food Diet?
  • What Is The Raw Food Diet Lifestyle Really Like?
  • What Are Some Terms You’ll Hear Associated With The Raw Food Diet?
  • How Can You Eat Best To Lose Weight On The Raw Food Diet?
  • Are There Any Advantages For Humans and Canines When Considering The Raw Food Diet?
  • What Are Some Comprehensive Reasons That Your Diet Should Include More Raw Foods?
  • Raw Diet Ideas Your New Lifestyle Begins With
  • Does A Raw Food Diet Decrease The Chances For Chronic Health Issues?
  • And more I am sure.

Obviously, there are questions, and it is a guarantee that this product will deliver great answers to them.

Click here to grab your copy now and get my bonuses!

Check Out My Review Video

Click here to grab your copy now and get my bonuses!

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What Is In The Product

This product has a lot to offer. It includes:

  • Module 1: High-Quality Ebook
  • Module 2: Checklist
  • Module 3: Resource Cheat Sheet
  • Module 4: Ready-To-Go Sales Letter
  • Module 5: Promotional Sales Videos
  • Module 6: High-Quality Advertising Banners
  • Module 7: Promotional Sale Videos
  • Module 8: Source Graphic Files
  • Module 9: 10 Social Media Posters
  • Module 10: License Package
  • Bonus #1: PLR Mentor
  • Bonus #2: PLR Honey
  • Bonus #3: Private Facebook PLR Group



What I Like About The Product

THE PRICE ===>$7.00<===a small investment in yourself, forfeit a cup of specialty coffee
The Easy Language
The Completeness of the Course – without a doubt, it has EVERYTHING that you need to know about a raw food diet.
You Can Create Your First Digital Product – All Ready To Go!
The Bonuses Compliment The Offer

What I Don’t Like About The Product

The Refund Policy – there is none. In a way, I can understand that this is due to the sensitivity of the product.
Click here to secure your copy now

Upgrades Available

OTO – 1 – Video Training and Select Pages

Cost: $27

Module 1: Video Training
Module 2: MP3 Audio Training
Module 3: Upsell Sales Page
Module 4: HD Upsell Sales Video
Module 5: Affiliates Page
Module 6: Giveaway Report
Module 7: Squeeze Page

Module 8: 5 Day Autoresponder Series
Module 9:Source Graphics

Module 10: Feature Images
Module 11: Licenses
Bonus #1: Video Slide Presentations
Bonus #2: Video Transcripts
Bonus #3: ABC Sales Funnels

Video Tutorial – In-depth course

Cost: $17

This is a unique 20 part video tutorial course called “PLR Newbie”. It’s a 3+ hour ‘over-the-shoulders’ course that will show how to make money using PLR with tried and tested methods.
A high-quality training portal, giving extra value.
BONUS #1: Check List
BONUS #2: Mind Map
BONUS #3: Resource Guide

This is a good upgrade as it should be able to get you started in getting familiar with PLRs.

PLR Bundle

Cost: $57

This is a package of Daniel’s best-selling PLR products – the “PLR Bundle.” Within this package, the customer will be getting access to 4 proven to sell PLR products, which includes all the upsells. So, that’s a total of 25+ modules x4.

Launch a UK website today!

Great purchase if you want to take your initial project to the next level.

The Firesale

Cost: $37

This is a Firesale containing 50 PLR products with stunning graphics and the complete source files to the entire collection.

This is a great bundle, but only if you plan to use it. And if you do, you will have all that you need.

Click here to grab your copy now and get my bonuses!

My Super Bonuses To Help You On Your Journey!

And just because I am ‘rootin’ for your success’, I have included my super bonuses to help you along the way. Being online, every tip that you can get will surely help you project your business towards success:

  • Email Marketing A To Z ($67 Value)
  • Black Hat SEO For Beginners
  • Internet Marketing Funnels

Enjoy and much success.

Your bonuses will be available immediately after you purchase on the JVZoo access page.

Email Marketing A To Z

email marketing a to z

Value: $67

You finally realize that you need a good opt-in list. After reading countless articles and sought expert advice and have read many success stories of people creating a small fortune with opt-in lists you finally decide to have one of your own.
Then it happens, you think you have known everything there is to know about opt-in lists and have followed their advice to the T and you still weren’t able to make a profit.
Then this ebook should help you get things in perspective.

Black Hat SEO For Beginners

black hat seo

Value: $129

It is time for online business owners to start following their own rules and tilt the game back to our advantage, and it can easily be done by implementing a handful of black hat techniques and search engines optimization secrets that Google and the likes do not want you to know about.
Not because these methods are unethical or illegal, but because they are so powerful they could easily give them the death blow they deserve for cheating on millions of honest webmasters over the years.

Internet Marketing Funnels

internet marketing funnels

Value: $77

If you can answer yes to the following questions you’ll want to get your hands on the Internet Marketing Funnels Crash Course Package!
Have you been looking for a great way to get more subscribers? Do you constantly seek quality information to provide to your readers? Have you been looking for a way to quickly increase awareness, traffic, and profits for your website?
The “Internet Marketing Funnels” course was specifically designed to show even absolute beginners how to set up simple Internet marketing funnels that will help them grow your business. Even if your readers don’t have clue how to set up a marketing funnel they will be able to quickly put the information in these lesson to good use!

My Final Thoughts On Raw Food Formula (PLR Mega Package)

All in all, this is a great product. I find it really interesting because it focuses on the health of the individual. A lot of people in our world today are indeed making that move towards better health – and doing so naturally as well.

Going raw, like any other lifestyle change, is all about commitment – whether it is long term or short term. And what makes the results great is the knowledge to make it happen.

This PLR will change the lives of many people…yourself included.

You can put your thoughts on paper but learning how to build your own blog is something different. If you have the right training it is not that difficult.

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Click Here and see what it is all about!

Thanks for taking the time to share my thoughts!

All the best.




14 thoughts to “Raw Food Formula (PLR Mega Package) Review

  • Christina

    Thanks for the review of Raw Food Formula PLR Mega Package. I love that it’s only $7! And even the price of $17 is really good because it looks like it’s pretty valuable.

    It looks easy to implement as a stream of income too. Everything is already done, it just needs to be rebranded, right? Sounds good to me! 

    It almost seems like there are 2 parts to this product. 1. is the raw food information. That could be great for anyone who’s looking for healthy change. 2. Is the business side of it and the fact that you can resell it. Do I have that right? 

    • Michelle

      Hello Christina,

      Thanks for your visit and sharing your thoughts. Yes, Daniel did a THOROUGH job of making sure that all you need to be informed about the raw food diet as well as implement it as a potential digital product – is ready-to-go! Yes, you do have re-seller rights. It is a complete package. And I agree with you – the price is right.

      All the best and if you try, please leave your feedback.


  • Ben

    Hello Michelle,

    Thanks for this review on the Mega PLR Raw Food Formula. I must admit, being very concerned and conscious about my health, this seems like a great product to advertise and sell. Though, I went to your JVZoo page, and I didn’t find the product when I clicked on the link. Do we need to be logged in in order to see your link? That’s something you might want to tell us about in your article if that’s the case. Anyway, thanks for the great idea, and I look forward to your answer. 

    • Michelle

      Hello Ben,

      Thanks for stopping by. The link will show up once the product is ‘LIVE’ – this is how the platform works in this case. Thanks for sharing your thoughts. I am glad that the raw food diet formula might be something for you and your health – I know I will be checking it out.

      All the best.


  • Lady Esther

    Good day,

    Thank you for sharing this article.  To tell the truth I have never heard of Raw Food Formula or even a raw food diet. It is a totally new world for me but it seems interesting.

    Seems like a good digital product to have in your niche. I will certainly keep it in mind for a new area as I am developing on my website.

    The cost of $7.00 dollars is that USA currency? 

    Thank you for the information, best on your online business.

    Lady Esther 

    • Michelle

      Hello Lady Esther,

      Thanks for your visit. Yes, raw food diet/lifestyle is fairly new, though I think people have been doing it for years ‘under the quiet’…lol

      I also think that this course is a great re-seller digital product. Who knows, maybe once you have your website all figured out…it might be something else for you to do.

      And yes, it is USD$7.

      All the best.


  • David

    Hello there, 

    Thanks for great article, this is great offer for those who just starting and want to have a high quality product to offer. Price is right and all upgrades are available. For those people who are interested in raw diet but never done it before this course seems to have tremendous value. Thank you for putting it nicely.

    All the best,


    • Michelle

      Hello David,

      Thanks for sharing your thoughts and your kind words. Yes, I think this a great product and if you are serious about your health, then this one other step that you might be interested in taking.


  • zardozmania

    Hello Michelle,

    Raw Food Formula sounds like a strong niche to get into, and I like how you can repackage the information once you purchase, in any way you want. This is better than being ‘an affiliate’ in the usual sense as you can make this your own, give it a new name etc, that’s really cool. The bonuses that come with it are great, it sounds like a whole mini lesson plus tools for marketing the product. Are there up-sells that involve marketing to help you better promote and convert?


    • Michelle

      Hello Zardozmania,

      Thanks for stopping by. Yes, I too think that this is great niche to get into and this package is certainly one way to get anyone started. And yes, you are right, producing your own digital product gives you the opportunity to keep the profits. Yes, I think the up-sells should help you if you choose to take it to the next level. All the best.


  • Orion Cohen

    This sounds like a great package and is definitely a win-win situation – you get also healthy information and you can make money with it! What more can one want!!
    Will check this out!
    Thanks for this review – Orion

    • Michelle

      Hello Orion,
      Thanks for your visit. Yes, it is all about health and I personally am thinking of trying it out. All the best.

  • Lady Esther Padua

    Hi Michelle,
    Thank you for this great article. First time a read about a digital product. I also like the idea that this course offers the information and a reasonable price. Will certainly give it some thought and hopefully can come back and add to a niche I am planning to develop.

    • Michelle

      Hello Lady Esther,
      Thanks for sharing your thoughts.Yes, if you have the time and money investment, it is worth it to use the information to create a digital product…and of course, a healthy lifestyle if you choose.
      All the best.


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