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The Emergency Business Contacts List Every Business Needs

As a business owner, there are plenty of challenges you need to be able to keep up with yourself. It is essential to have some type of emergency business contacts list available. You have to be able to set the course, make decisions, and act in some pretty tough situations.

However, there are some problems you simply can’t fix yourself. For those, you need to know who your “fixers” are. Here are some emergency business contacts that every business will need.

...there are some problems you simply can’t fix yourself.Click To Tweet

using emergency business contacts list man-having-a-phone-call-in-front-of-a-laptop

Picture – CC0 License

The Funds You Need

Aside from being a major waste of resources and time, business crises can also be expensive. Any of the services mentioned below may cost money, and you might have to pay for any work equipment you need to replace as a result of a crisis.

As such, having sources of funding, such as a business credit card, can help you get access to the money that you need to deal with a crisis without having to strip assets from the business.

The Tech Guys

Nowadays, a lot of the most major crises are going to be related to your IT. Hacking, data loss, ransomware, malware, and even simple equipment failures can cripple your business if you let them.

If you don’t have an in-house IT team that’s equipped to handle any crisis, then you are going to need a managed service provider. A team that can step in as-and-when you need them to resolve crises and then put in place the protections to stop them from happening again.

The Essential Utilities

When your utilities fail, not only can it lead to costly downtime, but it can also cause a lot of damage to the property. If your power fails, it’s important to be able to locate or already have in place an emergency generator, for instance.

However, in the case of plumbing issues, like a pipe bursting, you can’t afford to wait. You need to have commercial plumbers at the ready in your contact book.

The Hazard Cleanup Crew

You may not think you need to be overly worried about health hazards, depending on what your business is. However, when it comes to recovering after a natural disaster, you need to have a plan for cleanup work of any kind.

Working with teams like mold remedialists or homeless encampment cleanup specialists, for instance, can make sure that you’re not putting your team at any risk should anything occur on your property that should not have done, and potentially left contaminated materials. 

The Legal Help

If there’s an emergency that could put you at legal risks, such as an injury on business property, or any kind of data loss of breach, then you are going to need some legal protection, as well. Unless you’re a lawyer, you should not be trying to protect your own business legally. It’s all too easy to miss certain regulations or laws that could lead to costly errors.

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It’s important to be aware of what risks face your business, which could do the most damage, to your reputation, financially, or legally, and which you can’t handle by yourself. When you know that, then you know that you’re going to need a few emergency business contacts to rely on.

On a slightly different aspect of emergency preparation but also on the same tone of preparedness, I found this article – How to prepare your finances for a natural disaster – a very interesting read, especially in today’s time and current changes. Have a look and be sure to leave your thoughts. All the best.

Images courtesy of Pixabay, UnSplash, and Pexels.

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