Daily Quote # 99
‘Quality is much better than quantity. One home run is much better than two doubles.’
– Steve Jobs
The late Steve Jobs was a man of few yet powerful words, and this quote is just one example.
My mother also ‘drummed’ these words home to my family as we grew up – not the part about the home run, she knew nothing about baseball, nor do I.
BUT I do know about the greatness of quality versus quantity, especially when it comes to friends.
I do not have a lot of friends. The few I have can all be counted on one hand. This is my choice. I would rather be surrounded by a small group of people whom I can depend on in times of need or NOT, rather that a huge community of people who quickly disappear when the going gets tough – and they just get going!
Let’s spend some time today to focus on the quality of our lives and its many aspects and reduce the clutter that quantity can sometimes bring.