Daily Quote # 127
“Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life.”
– Steve Jobs, Apple Co-Founder
Steve Jobs, Apple Co-Founder was a very talented man. He was a leader in the field he chose. It seems fitting to hear him say the words of this quote.
Without a doubt, this should be the way for ALL of us to think about our time. Time is indeed a very precious commodity that should be treasured for more reasons than one.
The most important thing for anyone is the urgency to strive to live YOUR life on YOUR terms versus wasting time on what someone else would deem fit for you. This is not living.
Life is not a rehearsal, you audition once, and this is it – whether you get the role or not – you still have to finish the audition.
Let’s pause today and re-think how we can live our lives on our terms, today, this moment,NOW.