maya angelou

Daily Quote # 58

maya angelou

‘I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.’

– Maya Angelou

Truly an inspirational person with the words that she penned. Her words replicate life and its various experiences. It is no small surprise that her words touch your spirit because she is writing from the heart.

The memory span of most people is quite short, in general, so it is no surprise that people forget the things you said 8 times out of 10. Then there is the forgetting of what you did, ok, maybe there is no forgiveness in certain instances – but yes, people do forget things. But one thing that will always remain constant is the storing of that memory about how someone made you feel.

I know for a fact, that I treasure the memories of ‘good feelings’. I bring them into my consciousness quite often. How about yourself? What are your feel good memories for today?

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