Why You Need A Business Continuity Plan Checklist Now
Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash
Ever thought about a business continuity plan checklist? Nobody wants to think about the worst happening but with any company, as in life, you need to plan. Business Continuity Planning is vital to the survival of your company should the unexpected happen.
What Is A Business Continuity Plan Checklist?
A business continuity checklist, incorporates disaster recovery, lays out what your business will do in the event of an emergency. The plan can cover anything from a power cut to full disaster restoration after a major event such as fire, natural disaster or terrorism.
Why Your Company Needs One
A robust plan can help your company minimize damage and resume normal business operations as quickly as possible in the event of an issue. Your plan should include what you will do to protect core business functions in the event of:
- Technology issues
- Supply chain failure
- Loss of key members of staff
- Weather incidents
- Accidents
- Cybersecurity breaches
- Issues with business premises
This may seem like doomsday planning but each one of these could affect any venture at any time. How well you respond to them could be the difference between your survival or going under.
The current economic outlook could result in your main supplier closing its door. There are over 4000 ransomware attacks per day, and that figure is increasing.
Would your company be able to maintain it’s core functions if key personnel were no longer there due to accident or illness?
Even something as simple as a burst pipe in your building, meaning that you could operate from your main office. Would your employees know what to do, where to go and the details of all the remote working software they would need?
What Should This Business Continuity Plan Include?
Different industries will have varying needs, but a robust continuity plan should include the following:
- Scope and domain – identification of the personnel, premises, equipment, and devices needed to maintain core business functions during an emergency.
- Teams and decision-makers – in the event of an emergency, who will be in charge of various teams and the business continuity measures they need to put in place.
- Action checklists – the official checklist of what needs to happen when the plan comes into effect. It will also document which technology, software, and backups to use.
- Technology and IT back up recovery – the technology and IT systems you use and the backups in place including cloud storage or data center location.
Can I Create My Own Business Continuity Plan?
Depending on the size and complexity of your company, you can develop your own Business Continuity Plan in-house. There are many resources on the internet that will help you put a plan in place to protect business-critical functions.
However, if you are unsure exactly what you need to consider, then there are many consultants and companies that specialize in this area. They may recommend things that you hadn’t even though of considering. The business continuity plan checklist will be a worthwhile consideration for any company.
Images courtesy of Pixabay, UnSplash and Pexels.
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