easy profits review

Easy Profits Makers Review – You Must Read Before You Buy!

easy profits makers review

In this Easy Profits Makers Review, I will outline what the system is all about, who it is for, the pricing, the main features, as well as other points which should help you to make an informed decision on the product.

Product Creator: Michel Sirois and Reed Floren

Launch Date: 20 November 2018, 11am EST

Niche: Evergreen Training Software

Price: Front-End $11.07 (pre-launch price and then it will revert to $47.00)

What is Easy Profits Makers?

Easy Profits Makers is a complete step-by-step video training which is touted to give any internet marketer:

  • 5% Higher Open Rates
  • 152% Higher Click-Through
  • 75% Of All Email Revenue

It is a complete done-for-you system which includes video training, software, website/membership, and service packages (all interesting up-sells like most systems).

The pre-launch price is $11.07 for the first 14-days and then the price will revert to $47 and with the up-sells, up to $397 – full membership and services package.

It includes a wonderfully powerful and complete package:

  • Sales funnel
  • Email swipes
  • Traffic source
  • 1-on-1 coaching
  • Evergreen for any niche

A pretty good deal for the price.

Who Is It For?

This training system is for anyone:

  • Newbie
  • Seasoned veteran

The training is very user friendly and even if you are a seasoned internet marketer, you can always use some help in your online business. EASY PROFITS EARLYBIRD LIST

About The Creators

michel sirois

Easy Profits Makers is created by Michel Sirois and Reed Floren. Two veteran internet marketers who ‘have been around the block’ and they know what works and what doesn’t as can be seen by their individual success as well as the results from other products that they have created.

This has the potential to be yet another winner for this pair of creative minds.

See my FULL product Video Review Here


Features Of Easy Profits Makers

The main features of this product:

  • Interactive video training
  • 80% Copy/Paste system
  • Complete automation
  • Complete support for customer related inquiries, coaching, general support
  • Done-for-you traffic sources

Easy Profits Makers is a complete 14 module video training that will show you how to get paid through PayPal for simply driving traffic to “Done For You” sales funnels, while building an e-mail list!

Our training will also show you how to build your own pre-sell funnel and setup list segmenting for “real” email marketing, allowing them to have more leverage from their online business.

To provide even more value, we assist members with 1 on 1 coaching through “Live Chat” (Included in membership price)

You do not need:

  • To be a ‘techie’ to get started.
  • To have a product.
  • To create content.

It is absolutely a done-for-you system and it is guaranteed to work as long as you go step-by-step and follow-through.

Refund Policy

Because the creators are confident in their training system, they have a 30-day refund policy in place if you ever should need to use it.

easy profits makers 100% refund policy

Testimonials That Provide A Source Of Motivation

Of course, it always helps when you have a recommendation from others who have ‘test-driven’ the system.

Here are a few testimonials:

easy profits makers testimonials

Also, being only human, there will be questions that you need answers for, on the sales page, you will find an FAQ section with a sample of the more common questions.

easy profits makers faqs

What is Easy Profits Makers all about?

Easy! “Easy Profits Makers” is a complete “step By Step” and “Over The Shoulder” training on how to set-up an online business, by using email marketing to automate the whole sales process, while you do other things with your time, like spending time with your loved ones…

Who needs this?

Anyone who wants to start a business online by using an automated method to generate revenues on a constant basis.

Launch a UK website today!

Do I need online experience to succeed with “Easy Profits Makers”?
Absolutely not!

This is the beauty of our program. If you are a complete beginner, you just need to start from the beginning of the training.

And for more advance people, we also got you covered. Just pick-up where you were missing-out on. In your case, proper list segmentation is probably your biggest struggle. But fear no more. By joining our coaching program today, this problem of your will finally be SOLVED!

Will this help me generate passive income?

That mostly depends on you.

It will depend on your traffic budget.

As you probably know by now, TRAFFIC is your PUBLICITY…

If you don’t have a reliable traffic source yet, don’t worry, we will provide you with the best “done for you” traffic source we use each and every day.

So the more clients you get in the door, the more they will buy from you.

Makes sense?

What else will this do for me?

It will allow you to finally build your business to the point where you can finally leave your day job to live the internet lifestyle that my students and I are living.

Do I need to promote the “Easy Profits Makers” affiliate program to make money with what I learn inside?

Absolutely not! Although our coaching program videos are using the example to promote us, all the training program can be applied for any other offer you may want to promote.

But by using our affiliate program, you’ll have a “done for you” sales funnel funnel and “done for you” email messages that you can load at the push of a button, making it much easier to set-up.

Is there a refund guarantee?

We do have a 30-day refund guarantee but there are conditions.

First, to get refunded, we will need to see that you actually implemented the training completely and asked for support through our “Live Chat” for some “1 On 1” coaching. Our method works, as long as you do it…

Then you will need to send traffic to your online business as shown in our training. I mean, if you don’t send traffic, don’t expect sales, right?

Is this up-to-date for 2018-2019?

LOL. The method is good until the end of days…

Our training is 100% “EVERGREEN”.

This means it will never get out of trend, unless humans change their shopping behaviors.

How is the training delivered?

The training is presented under the form of videos, tutorial images, text and downloadable content to make it easy to implement.

Automatic Bonuses Being Offered On Purchase:

easy profits makers bonus1



easy profits makers bonus2

easy profits makers bonus3

PLUS Additional Bonuses Offered By Me If You Purchase Through This Link


Bonus4 easy profits makers

Bonus5 easy profits makers

Bonus6 easy profits makers

My Final Thoughts On Easy Profits Makers Review + Bonuses

I think that this is a worthwhile investment and the amount being asked is negligible compared to the amount of value that you are getting in exchange.

I would definitely consider this a ‘no-brainer’ investment in yourself and in your business. I hope this Easy Profits Makers Review has helped you to make the best decision for your online future. Much success.

Images courtesy of Pixabay.

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  • Software product
  • Easy To Use
  • Training & Support
  • Price

Easy Profits Makers Review - You Must Read Before You Buy!

Easy Profits Makers is a complete step-by-step video training which is touted to give any internet marketer:

  • 5% Higher Open Rates
  • 152% Higher Click-Through
  • 75% Of All Email Revenue

It is a complete done-for-you system which includes video training, software,and support. It launches on 20 November 2018, 11:00am EST. Launch Price:$11.07 and will revert to $47.00 after the launch.


24 thoughts to “Easy Profits Makers Review – You Must Read Before You Buy!

  • Aria Len

    This seems like an interesting product and I say this because I’m usually weary of things like this, however, considering the high rating you gave it I may consider it in the future if I feel I need something like this to help boost my business.

    • Michelle

      Hello Aria,
      Thanks for stopping by. Yes, I am just like you, also weary of new products, however, I did my research and I am convinced that this product is definitely something that you can use to help promote your business if you a veteran or create a new business if you are a newbie.
      All the best.

  • jessie palaypay

    It definitely sounds like there is definitely a lot of value to be gained here. I do like to know if the price that this goes for is a one time payment or if it is a recurring payment?

    If it is one time, I am willing to invest the money. If it is recurring, then I’d rather wait until my income increases to purchase this course.

    • Michelle

      Hello Jessie, 

      Thanks for stopping by. Yes, I do believe that this software will blow a lot of the others out of the water – so to speak. It is a one time payment and there are up-sells to having a membership relationship if you choose. I think going with the basic should be enough to get your feet wet and to start making some money online.

      All the best.


  • Cathy Cavarzan

    Easy Profits does sound interesting for sure. I may just have to tke a closer look at this. You did mention upsells which I am always a little leary of . Just what are the upsells for I understand this to be a prelaunch price but after reading through your review a few times, I still not sure what the upsells are? Are they necessary ? Also the 397 is that a one time or monthly fee? 

    • Michelle

      Hello Cathy,

      Thanks for stopping by. Yes, I, too like the software product Easy Profits Makers. Of course, like most of these software products, there are up-sells. The pre-launch price is $11.07 and then in 2 weeks after the launch,  it will revert to the $47.00 basic price. You will have all you need to get started and also training to get you making money.

      The first up-sell is to add individual affiliate branding to your system/customized affiliate pages, so that the system will look like your idea…sort of like ‘renting the brand technology’ and this costs $97.00.

      Then there is a Done-For-You Pre-Sell Funnel cost $197.00:

      3 Different Lead Capturing Pages. We Guarantee To Work With Your Clients Until They Get 40%+ Opt-In Rate On Their 3 Pages (Value: $291)We Set-Up Their Auto-Responder And Connect Everything For Them (Value: $97)We Load Their Affiliate E-Mail Swipes For Them (Value: $17)We Add All The Necessary Links In Their E-Mail Swipes For Them (Value: $97)We Will Set-Up Tracking To Monitor Opt-Ins AND Sales For Them (Value: $27)That’s A Total Real World Value Of: $576

      Then there is Complete “Done For You” List Segmentation Setup costing $397- $497.00:

      This includes:

      Our Tech Team Will Setup Your Subscribers With Full Email Segmentation In Their Email Lists. (Value: $697)Top Notch Advice On Which Sub-niches To Choose For The Different Email Segments (Value: $37)Complete Testing To Ensure Everything Is Working Flawlessly And At Maximum Capacity (Value: $67)That’s A Total Real World Value Of: $801

      I hope this helps to answer your question. If not,please stop by again and shoot me any questions and I will reply.

      All the best.


  • Garen

    Easy Profits Makers looks very interesting.  I have to admit I am not the best at email marketing.  I know it’s a very powerful tool.  However, I struggle with creating something of value that people are going to opt in for.  I have an idea of doing a 101 essential oil recipes eBook that I can give away.

    I was just interested in what email marketing tool they teach you, though.  I have used MailChimp in the past and it was pretty easy to use.  However, I didn’t get very many people signed up and it didn’t have much success.  

    • Michelle

      Hello Garen, 

      Thanks for stopping by and sharing your thoughts. Yes, with the advent of all the various ways of marketing, email by far is STILL the best way to market your product – online as well as offline (the type of business style). Aha. the type of email marketing tool used in this software product – I am not able to say, I was not granted a review access of the inner platform, only enough information to showcase the features of the product. 

      Why don’t you give it a try? You can always try it for 30-days and if not, utilize the 30-day refund policy.

      I would be curious how things work out for you, keep me in the loop.


  • Mariem

    Awesome review! Some creators make their product look like it’s out of this world but when you buy it you get a basic useless training that you can find for a lower price online – but this might not be the case.

    Thanks for sharing this post I’m glad to see that there are actually some honest reviews that can help us take the right decision on our online future as you mentioned 🙂

    Keep the awesome work!

    • Michelle

      Hello Mariem,

      Thanks for stopping by and sharing your thoughts. Yes, you are so right, you really need to do you research and do it well. Not all that glitters is gold, as the saying goes.

      All the best.


  • Harvey Brown

    Hello Michelle, interesting review. My problem  after experiencing a couple of scams is I have become sceptical about proposals like Easy Profit Maker. I have adapted the reasoning that if it is too good to be true…., you know the rest. What I found missing from your review are any negatives. You mentioned a couple of upsells. One is for $47. Is that monthly or onetime? The other is for $397. Again is that annually or onetime? 

    • Michelle

      Hello Harvey, 

      Thanks for stopping by. Yes, you are so right, scams abound and the do pop-up everyday…or so it seems. I did not leave much information on the up-sells, however, I did answer this question in response to it in the comment that I gave to Cathy below. 

      The pre-launch price is $11.07, and then after the launch in two weeks, it will revert to the ‘basic’ price of $47.00.

      I did not find any negatives other than it’s pre-launch price is not ‘all time’…lol. It really seems like a package that can deliver as long as you use what is provided ‘step-by-step’.

      All the best.


  • Dale

    This is definitely interesting.  There are so many bad opportunities out there that it seems the good ones are a dime a dozen.  

    Im glad you took the time to review it and was surprised to see such a great rating.  The only thing Im not sure of is that do I want to spend hundreds of dollars in up sells.  

    Im going to have to put a little thought.  I guess the fact that it has a money back guarantee should help me decide.

    Thank you again.

    • Michelle

      Hello there Dale,

      Thanks for stopping by. Yes, I did some research on this software product and I think that it can deliver as long as you follow the system – step-by-step – and as presented. It is all too frequent where people try to reinvent the wheel and then ‘blame’ the software creator for the lack of success. 

      Of course, Dale, up-sells are not always ‘cheap’, however, if they will help to improve the likelihood of your improving the results from the system, then maybe it could be ‘food for thought’…and yes, the refund policy is something that you should always pay attention to.

      I answer a comment below about the up-sells as well. You may want to take a look at it.

      Lemme know how if goes if you decide to check it out.

      All the best.


  • Barry

    Hello Michelle. Hope you are having a good time and merry Christmas in advance. Thank you for sharing this review of Easy Profit Makers. Seems like this Programme is legit. But I am having some doubts about it anyways. I am wondering if it will teach SEO + I don’t think it’s suitable for beginners because one would need a huge budget (money for add) to get traffic) or am I wrong?

    • Michelle

      Hello Barry,

      Happy Holidays to you wherever you are and whenever they come. 

      Well, Easy Profits Makers is a software to help you with launching your business and doing so through email and funnels – in a simple explanation. Obviously, you should have a website to send your customers to or if not, then a reputable affiliate website who should at least be doing their job of SEO.

      If you are an internet marketer, then you know the importance of SEO to get Uncle G (Google) to notice your online presence.

      I think the basic might be too basic for a veteran, but it should be enough for a newbie to try to use to get his feet wet. Of course, there will be up-sells, and it is here where the newbie might end up spending more. However, there is a 30-day refund policy and this could give a newbie time to try it out and move from there.

      I do not know the traffic source that will be used in the package, however, my bonuses do offer a way to get traffic to your website (you can look at them).

      I hope I answered your question.

  • Florence

    Thank you Michelle for the detailed review on Easy Profits Makers program, I must confess though that I get so overwhelmed by all the products in the market and confused on which one would best meet my needs.This product seems to be really effective from your high confidence in it, and the review helps make it easier to make a choice. 

    I wanted to know if the program would still work at its optimum even without investing in the up sales?

    • Michelle

      Hello Florence, 

      Thanks for sharing your thoughts. I appreciate your kind words. I agree with you too – sometimes it can get overwhelming. Interesting question, too. In my opinion, I think I would go with the basic package, try it for the 30-days and then decide if you need to ‘up your game’ by purchasing any of the up-sells.

      If you try it, I would love to hear your feedback! All the best.


  • Rachel

    Hey there thank you for posting this article. It sounds pretty interesting. Just to be sure I understand, do we buy a DVD or can we search it online in order to become members? How would you compare it to WA? I want to give this a try but I want to also make sure that I won’t receive the exact same training. Thank you again

    • Michelle

      Hello Rachel,
      Thanks for visiting.
      It is a software program that you purchase and you can also purchase the ‘done for you system’ as well. It is training about using funnels and capitalizing on email marketing.
      Check out the sales page and see if it could be something for you to help your business. Much success.

  • Brenda

    Thorough review. I have never heard of profit maker before reading your post. I must say it was quite insightful. I like the concept of this system. There’s help available and that is important especially when you are embarking on something new. The ratings are high. Seems like something to consider and I like that there’s a refund policy available. I’m not totally sold though, I am going to do somemore research as i’m interested in finding out more.

    Thanks for sharing !

    • Michelle

      Hello Brenda, 

      Thanks for your visit and sharing your thoughts. I also agree with you, support  is vital whenever you are embarking on something new. Yes, I do like the system and I did some in-depth research on it in order to make the review.

      All the best, and be sure to come back and share any feedback that you might have.


  • Ali

    What a nice post you have written. I was looking for information about easy profit and when I landed on your website I’ve found all my questions answered about this program. Thank you for sharing this quality post with others and I’ll come back to your website to read more posts from you : )


    • Michelle

      Hello Ali,
      Thanks for visiting. I am glad that I was able to provide some answers to your questions. Come back and visit anytime. And if you choose this software, by all means, I would love your feedback. Much success.


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