domain names

Free Domain Name Search

Now, you might ask yourself,  “A free domain name search?” What on earth am I talking about? Well, let’s lighten your darkness here in the cyber world. Let’s talk about domains – what is a domain name?


domain name

Domain Name

According to Wikipedia, the free online encyclopedia – ‘A domain name is an identification string that defines a realm of administrative autonomy, authority or control within the Internet. Domain names are formed by the rules and procedures of the Domain Name System (DNS). Any name registered in the DNS is a domain name. Domain names are used in various networking contexts and application-specific naming and addressing purposes. In general, a domain name represents an Internet Protocol (IP) resource, such as a personal computer used to access the Internet, a server computer hosting a web site, or the web site itself or any other service communicated via the Internet. In 2015, 294 million domain names had been registered.[1]

So, in layman terms, a domain name is simply an address that people give to the world wide web for people to find them. It is pretty much like a physical address, i.e. where you live, but in cyberspace. Now, the thing about domain names is this – they have to be registered in order to be ‘recorded as existing’. It is somewhat like the title to your house. You register your title in the public records as a place where you live and can be found. Thus, your domain name needs to be registered as well. It is a source of ownership.

Domain name search

domain names


Now, once you have chosen your niche, – the main idea behind building your website; then the next step is to choose your domain name. Now the easiest way to do this, is to do a search- a free domain name search. I have found the SiteRubix platform, a very effective tool in doing free domain name searches.


domains wa


SiteRubix  is the platform used at Wealthy Affiliate, my online web creation mentor of choice. At Wealthy Affiliate, every service needed to create an online presence is provided. To list a few :

Launch a UK website today!
  • free domain searches
  • free web hosting
  • free keyword tool
  • free starter kit – which includes 2 free websites 30 keyword searches
  • 24/7 support and community access

Just to further show you the benefits of using Wealthy Affiliate as a source of internet related web creation, design, hosting, domain searches – take a look at the screenshot below.


domains comparison



This chart definitely gives you an idea of the advantages of being a member of Wealthy Affiliate and indeed food for thought in creating your online presence.

I have chosen Wealthy Affiliate to create my free domain name searches as well as to purchase my domain name. The search is free, however, to register and host your domain name has a cost to get started using it. I invite you to compare and see if Wealthy Affiliate can indeed be your choice for your internet presence as you decide to create your own website. You can read more about Wealthy Affiliate in this review.

I would be happy to hear your feed back. Please leave a comment below. Thank you for spending time reading this article. I hope it provided some useful information for you.



[1] Internet Grows to 294 Million Domain Names in the First Quarter of 2015, Jun 30, 2015. Article by Verisign.

6 thoughts to “Free Domain Name Search

  • Allan

    Thank you for the information. Very interesting but I think you could have also stressed the cost of hosting, which is included in your Wealthy Affiliate membership. Second year hosting outside of WA could easily be over $150 a year,

    • Michelle

      Hello Allan, Thank you for your feedback. I am in the process of finishing an article about hosting. Thank you for your recommendation.Yes, the numbers, just like a picture, are worth more than a thousand words.

  • Sunny

    Hi Michelle,
    Talking about domains, I knew nothing about them until I joined the Wealthy Affiliate
    The first domain I purchased from some other provider, and I had to buy some other features (safety, hosting, etc.). Every another domain I purchased at the WA, and the cost is 50% less, and it is ”all inclusive” domain 🙂

    Thanks for the article

    • admin

      Thank you for visiting, Sunny. Yes, the world of the ‘word wide web’ was all ‘news’ to me. Now, being a member at Wealthy Affiliate, I am finding my way around town!
      Good luck.

  • Eric

    Thanks for the information Michelle, would your recommend SiteRubix or Wealthy Affiliate’s Free starter membership to someone just getting into blogging?

    • Michelle

      Hello there Eric,
      Thanks for your visit and your thoughts. Great question! I would certainly recommend Wealthy Affiliate and their free starter membership to anyone – a newbie or someone who is familiar with online businesses. It is a great starting point. SiteRubix is just the platform that hosts the websites once they are created. It is still a part of the fantastic network under the umbrella of Wealthy Affiliate.
      If you can, you can also give my Wealthy Affiliate Review at read here.
      Much success to you, Eric.


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