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Getting More From Your Employee As A Business Owner!

Any business owner wants to know that they are ‘getting their money’s worth’ when it comes to its employees. In this article, we will be looking at ways that will help you when it comes to getting more from your employee. It is not a complicated process, I think mainly humanitarian when you look at the big picture.

Let’s take a peek at how this contributed article sums it up and see if your business stacks up when it is all said and done.

Could You Be Getting More From Your Employee? Let’s Discuss It!

Running a business is not easy. With so much to think about I suspect that must be juggling a lot of plates at any given time, and so having employees working for you can really take away some of the groundwork that takes up your time.

But, if you don’t take care of the people that work for you then really are you getting the most out of them? I wanted to share with you some of the ways you can get more from your employees while they are working for you. It might even give you some inspiration to make some changes.

getting more from your employee

Create A Great Working Environment

One of the hardest things to probably get right is creating the best working environment for your employees. This includes many factors and might be different for different people.

For example, keeping an office environment warm in the winter and cool in the summer. Having water and drinking facilities available, a Freddie and a place maybe to make tea and coffee or warm up food.

These are all factors that can help someone to feel comfortable with where they work and allow them to make the most of any breaks that they have. You also need to consider safety aspects and ensure that you take into account the responsibility you have as an employer.

Encourage More Productivity By Being Supportive

You also need to think about being supportive to the people you have working for you. It might be that they need some encouragement or advice on how to be more productive with their working days.

Sharing your experience with them and even sharing articles such as recommendations for a list of productivity podcasts or YouTube videos they can watch to feel inspired. You also might want to schedule in regular meetings so you can keep track of performance and help when you can. Equally, doing all of that will help an employee to feel respected and cared for.

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Be Approachable As A Boss

Are you approachable?

The chances are you might think you are but to your employees having the persona of “the boss” could mean that they feel uncomfortable in your presence. You can’t change the dynamics of your position in the workplace, but being approachable means being a people person, engaging and empathetic, as well as managing and ensuring that you are getting the most out of your team. There is no harm in brushing up on your people skills.

Give Incentives To Your Employees

Finally, incentives are a great way to get more from anyone who is working for you. People love a challenge and the chance to win something extra. It might be spot prizes on days that are busy, it might be extra incentives to smash a bigger target you have set. Working out what makes your team tick will help you to get more out of them while also allowing them to benefit in the process.

I hope these tips will help you in getting more from your employee and also help you to continue making your business a profitable one!

Images courtesy of Pixabay.earning while you learn

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2 thoughts to “Getting More From Your Employee As A Business Owner!

  • Orion

    Simple yet very much to the point! It makes total sense to take care of the people who help you get your business to the top!
    We all need to know how to do team work and the boss needs to know how to lead with compassion and assertiveness all in one.
    It is not easy being a leader and also it is not easy being lead by someone who does not know how to lead!
    Once you have a good cooperation between the two you get a great win-win situation!
    Thanks for sharing this with us.

    • Michelle

      Wow, great words fo wisdom Orion. Thank you for taking the time to stop by and leave such an inspirational comment. It obviously sounds like the voice of experience. Thanks for your visit and much success to you.


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