google your business

Google Your Business!

Yes, Google Your Business! Have you ever wondered where your business ranks on the Google search engine or any of the other major search engines for that matter? Well, you need to ensure that you are ‘sitting pretty’ somewhere on the first page so that you will get noticed!

Have a look at the points outlined in this contributed article and see how you can google your business and stand out!

Flying Under The Radar? How To Ensure Your Website Turns Heads!

Did you know that Google alone processes more than 40,000 searches every single second? More and more of us are using search engines to shop, access information and find services in our local area. If you run a business, and you’re flying under the radar, it’s time to harness the power of online marketing and ensure your website turns heads.Do you know how to google your business?

Looks Are Everything

When it comes to selling online or using a website to promote your brand, it’s essential to ensure that your site looks the part.

It takes us an average of 7 seconds to form a first impression, and if your site doesn’t deliver, you run the risk of losing out to competitors. Take a look at your homepage and scroll through the tabs and landing pages.

Put yourself in a customer’s shoes.

How do you feel when you catch a glimpse of the site for the first time? What would you change? What vibe does the site give off?

Now, take a moment to have a look at other sites, check out what competitors are doing, and think about how you could improve your site.

Do the graphics look drab or dated? Is there too much text? Does the theme match the type of services or products you sell? If you’re not well-versed in developing sites, it’s worth contacting companies that offer web design services.

Look for agencies that have experience in working with businesses in your industry and check out portfolios and client testimonials before you decide which company to go for.

google your business


Getting Your Site Noticed

Once you’ve got a stunning website that boasts all the bells and whistles, you want to ensure that people can find it easily. Considering the popularity of search engines, it makes sense to try to improve your search engine ranking. Your ranking relates to where you appear on the results page when somebody enters search terms and keywords that are linked to the products or services you sell.

If you’re on page 10, you’re not going to garner much attention. Around 75% of search engine users don’t make it past the first page. The aim should be to be as high on the list as possible. Use optimized content that is original and engaging to attract attention and share posts on social media to reach out to a wider client base.

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Take care when using keywords. Readers don’t want to feel like they’re getting the hard-sell. Use phrases and terms naturally, and make sure every blog or post serves a purpose.

Break up written text on your pages and posts with video clips, infographic, and images. If you don’t have any experience in digital marketing or your SEO campaign has fallen flat, it’s worth seeking expert advice to try to change your fortunes.

google sees it all


If your business is flying under the radar and your website isn’t getting much attention, you could be missing out.

The market is growing, and it’s so beneficial to be able to use online marketing and sales techniques to drive your company forward. Hopefully, this guide will enable you to overhaul the look of your website and create a marketing strategy that will put your business firmly on the map.

Images courtesy of Pixabay, Kaboompics, and Pexels.

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8 thoughts to “Google Your Business!

  • Annie Collyer

    Thank you for this, Michelle! It is important to remember we need to get found online to have an impact!

    • Michelle

      Hello Annie,
      Thanks for visiting. Yes, making your mark is just as important as being ‘seen’ doing it. All the best to you.

  • Oneil

    Hi Michelle, glad i finally get to see one of your articles…my SEO skills are Terrible so far but i know i will eventually master it. so is there 1 book that is so comprehensive which you can recommend for a beginner like me to read to get a full understanding to master it or do suggest i read all the books i can get my hands on. i would prefer you suggest the comprehensive beginner book first….thanks

    • Michelle

      Hello Oneil,
      Thanks for stopping by.I am glad that you found some value in the article. My suggestion to get you started would be to check out any of the book suggestions at the bottom of the article and then put what you read in motion. It comes with practice, so all the best!

  • Ellie Bou

    I’m a fellow internet marketer and I have to say that this article was well written and spot on! Great information, and you’re absolutely write, your site needs to be “sitting pretty” on the first page to be found on Google.

    • Michelle

      Hello there Ellie,
      Thanks for stopping by. I am also happy that the article resonated with you. Yes, we need to be on our ‘P’s and Q’s’ once we are on the playground of Uncle G. Much success to you.

  • Sue Dixon

    These were excellent tips to get your site to rank higher in the search engine(s). Knowing the how your business is ranking is the first step to getting more quality attention from potential readers/customers. I liked your comment about using “natural” keywords, keywords that make sense. This is so important.

    I enjoyed reading this article very much.

    • Michelle

      Hello Sue,
      Thanks for visiting. I am happy that you found value in the article. Yes, you need to be ‘on your game’ with Uncle G is the time-keeper. All the best to you.


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