[List]4 Key Healthcare Jobs in High Demand Today
Some key healthcare jobs have been in high demand since 2020, as 1.4 million jobs have been created to boost America’s healthcare system due to the pandemic. Moreover, it has become essential to expand the country’s health system even further to accommodate growing demands. This article will shed more about healthcare jobs with excellent growth potential and are also in high demand. That said, here are three careers to aim for in 2021.
And as the pandemic situation continues into the current year, being able to get access to readily available medical equipment on a whole will be easier with https://www.sciquip.co.uk/ as it hosts a wide selection of medical supplies and equipment, and not just for pandemic-related situations.
America reached a crucial point where more paramedics were needed to help salvage the COVID situation in early 2020. Since then, states with low and high numbers of paramedics have increased their intake. Furthermore, states like Washington, Hawaii, and Alaska, paid an average range of $50,640 and $56,610 for their paramedics.
That has increased slightly to make the profession even more attractive to young people today. As a roll-on effect, other states which paid less have reconsidered their pay structure. Even better, experts have projected a 6% annual growth rate for paramedics from now to 2029, which will increase demand even further.
Health Coaches
Health coaching is an area of health led by a coach who steers people to reach healthier goal targets and promote longevity. This is achieved through the application of tools, skills, and knowledge. Health coaches achieve their aim by helping people take responsibility for their diet and live healthier lives. That said, what does a health coach do?
Over the years, it’s become even more critical for health coaches to work closely with health professionals to facilitate patient care. A 2021 Kresser Institute survey reported that health coaches make anywhere from $25 to $100 an hour. This brings their earnings to a total of $50,000 – $100,000 annually. Fortunately, there are accredited institutions that offer intensive health coaching courses for interested persons.
Medical Lab Technicians
Medical lab technicians have become the unsung heroes in the COVID-19 era. They have had to prolong their shifts to accommodate the mounting pressures of the times. Moreover, with a third COVID wave (Delta strain) rocking many countries worldwide, it makes sense that the US will need more clinical or medical lab technicians.
Currently, top earners make $6,416 monthly, while those at the 25th percentile earn a little over $2000 in the same period. Although the more significant part of 2020 recorded a sharp shortage of medical lab technicians, the economic health survey states that the job will record an 8% to 9% growth rate from now to 2026.
Radiologists are responsible for performing X-rays, CT scans, MRIs, and other scans on patients. They also help diagnose health problems based on the findings. This job is in very high demand as hospitals and medical institutions fill up with patients yet have incredibly long waiting lists for X-rays and scans. Adding more radiologists can help spread the workload and decrease these waiting times.
The average radiologist’s salary is anywhere between $390,000 and $520,000, so it’s a very well-paid job. You’ll also come across plenty of open residency positions, meaning it won’t be too challenging to find a role.
Some other key healthcare jobs in high demand in 2021 are nurses, pharmacists, occupational therapists, genetic counselors, etc. Therefore, if your passion lies in healthcare, perhaps you should give strong consideration to any of these essential healthcare jobs in high demand since last year.
Fortunately, they all have excellent growth potential, making them suitable careers to follow. However, it’s prudent to develop a passion for helping and saving lives to function in these fields effectively.
Images courtesy of Pixabay, UnSplash, and Pexels.
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Photo by ThisIsEngineering from Pexels