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[List]7 Simple Tips On Making A Career Change

grayscale-photo-of-computer-laptop-near-white-notebook-and-ceramic-mug-on-table- making a career change credits pexel169573/


So you’re feeling like the time has come for making a career change? Many of us will mull over this idea at one point in our life. Maybe you’ve found yourself debating whether it’s the right choice or the right timing?

We all experience creative lulls and phases of boredom at some stage, but when these feelings persist and linger, it might be time to do something about it!

For those wondering just how to approach a career change, these seven tips on making a career change may just come in handy.

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Stuck in a job that isn’t you? Ready for a career change, but have no idea what else you could do – or where to start? Drawing on his own story, Richard …

Assess Your Skills

Now, you may not like your current role, but it can be helpful to assess the different skills used within it. Doing so can help you to determine which of these skills that you could apply to a new role.

Keep a journal of what’s working and what isn’t. Consider if you preferred your role in the beginning when you first started? If so, try to identify what changed (as it can be helpful to evaluate).

Think about the things that you do like and this will help you to brainstorm and help in making a career change which could result in a potential new career.

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Brainstorm Alternatives

To brainstorm alternatives, you’ll want to sit down and make some thorough notes! What’s your realistic ideal job? If you have a university degree- is it related to your current role? If it’s not, is there a role which is suited to your degree that you might prefer?

Research jobs that sound exciting and get the info that you need in terms of entry routes. There are plenty of online courses out there which could help you to change your career direction.

Start learning as much as you can, read blogs within the niche that you decide and keep track of everything that you learn. There’s much to be said for self-study. For those interested in web development trends, for example, at Loud Programmer is a great online resource.

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Invest In Career Counseling

Sometimes, we get a bit stuck on making the big decisions in our lives. There are some good private careers counselors out there who can offer professional advice to help you come to such decisions.

Sometimes, an outsider perspective can offer solutions that you just didn’t see as viable yourself! If you take your career seriously and want to grow as much as possible, it can be a good idea to get yourself some extra help.

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Build Your Personal Brand

Building a personal brand online can be helpful if you’re looking to make a career change. Create a solid work- based profile on LinkedIn and Facebook and use these spaces to start networking.

Build yourself a blog enriched with SEO tactics and gear it towards the career that you are seeking. As well as this, attend in-person networking events and put yourself out there to make connections. When you’re looking to make a change, it’s never too early to start talking to those in the industry.

Volunteer To Enhance Skills

When you’re looking to make a career move, it can be a good plan to gain some new skills. Often, when there’s so much competition out there, it’s the extra touches that can help you to stand out.

Utilize your spare time to do some volunteer work, enhance your current work skills and make some new connections too. The more skills that you gain, the more appealing a candidate that you are to an employer.

Back To School

Getting a little extra training could be a step in the right direction to help you to make a career change. It doesn’t necessarily have to mean going back to university.

It could mean studying a short course to learn a few new technology or leadership skills, for instance. If your preferred career does require a university course, consider studying remotely to fit the course around your current lifestyle.

Start A Side Hustle

For many of us, the prospect of giving up a stable job and moving into the unknown can be daunting. The good news is, so many people start a side business and then eventually turn it into a full-time gig!

Perhaps you’ve a hobby or talent that you could utilize? It could be something creative or something you’re able to teach? We are well and truly in the age of the entrepreneur, with more technology at our disposal to start a small business than ever before. You could set up an online business on the side before you know it!

One thing to remember is this – when you are manking a career change, don’t expect it to happen overnight. Give yourself time to plan, network, develop new skills and grow your options.

Images courtesy of Pixabay, UnSplash and Pexels.

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