Make Money As An Affiliate Of Webtalk – New Kid On The Block!
Ok, let’s talk…about WebTalk. In this Webtalk Review, we are going to look at the latest ‘freebie’ on the web of growth and if it will be a good fit for you…and me too. It is another way to make money as an affiliate and doing so for FREE!
Product: Webtalk
Founder/CEO/CPO: RJ Garbowicz, founded in 2011
What Is Webtalk
Webtalk was created by RJ Garbowicz because he wanted to do something different, and so far, he has. It is a software technology company whose focus ‘is on relationships-based data mining, storage and search technologies to power the next generation communication and commerce utility’.
The company plans to enter the relationship-based, patent-pending, search technology as the main entry point in the online commerce industry. It is more than a social network, it is a meeting place of many minds – personal and professional – with you choosing how both interact.
Once you invite any of your friends/contacts to Connect or Follow you on Webtalk, they are sharing in 50% of Webtalk’s revenue with you for LIFE!
It is a network that offers:
- Networking – separate personal, professional and public networks
- Communication – designed to deliver targeted messages and media interaction to specific groups
- News – get access to relevant and current news according to group and media type
- Contacts – easy access to current, past, as well as prospective contacts
- Content – an easy way to store and organize your media, photos, files
- Showcase – build credibility by unveiling your talent, experience, and references
- Collaborate – organize and coordinate virtual meeting as well as chat groups
- Shop – provide easy access to local service and products providers
Who Can Join
Just about anyone who wants to:
- Get in on the ground floor of something new and potentially bigger than the other popular social media networks
- Anyone with a yen to make money, no matter how small…after all, Rome wasn’t built in day…just started on one
- Anyone with a shrewd business sense and recognizes opportunity when it knocks
- Does this sound like YOU or someone you know?
What Is The Benefit Of Joining
Ah, yes indeed, let’s talk benefits. Webtalk is in its beta-stage and getting close to being beta – better…lol. However, as a Webtalk member:
- You become a part of the team (if you will) and the network of like-minded people with a purpose to make a difference
- The affiliate program is wonderful, especially for being a free member, which you have the option to upgrade once the testing period is over
- You get the ability to choose how you manage your network
Here is my personal invitation to you:
Some Basic Points To Consider
Did you know that:
- Once you invite any of your friends/contacts to Connect or Follow you on Webtalk, they are sharing in 50% of Webtalk’s revenue with you for LIFE? I like the sound of that…how about you?
- Webtalk provides a neat landing page link (which shows your picture and name which gives it a more personal feel to the invitation) that you can share and use to get your referrals?
- Your profile along with your content (files, photos, videos) are link-generating that can be shared? And even more, any non-user clicking on the links will get up referral credit if they join?
- Every PUBLIC news feed post is treated like a blog with a referral link? Just post an update to you feed, click the share icon and you will the link. This takes your reader to a standalone page with options to sign in or join Webtalk. You get credit once they join.
- Once you import your contacts to Webtalk, and they join, you get referral credit.
- You can download your LinkedIn contacts as a CSV and then upload to Webtalk
I am psyched, how about you?
Here Is How It Works
In a nutshell, the 1st million users who meet certain requirements will earn commissions as follows (based on a projected $10 per user per month Webtalk revenue estimate):
1. 10 users join under you = $1 each = $10 per mo.
2. 10 users join under each of your 10 = $100 per mo.
3. 10 users join under each of those 100 = $1000 per mo.
4. 10 users join under each of those 1000 = $10,000 per mo.
5. 10 users join under each of those 10,000 = $100,000 per mo.
That’s $111,110.00 dollars per month! Their commission levels go five tiers deep (it is almost like multi-level-marketing, only difference being that you pay no money) – you only need to be a social butterfly and invite those you know.
How does that sound?
With more than 4 billion users online, I think this could work out pretty well for anyone who chooses to invest in this opportunity.
Come on over, let’s join the countdown to one million…and more!
Take a look at this video to help make things a wee bit clearer about the potential of Webtalk – LIVE Webtalk Product Demo on Youtube.
My Final Thoughts On Make Money As An Affiliate Of Webtalk – New Kid On The Block!
This is a wonderful opportunity to get in on the ground floor of this business. Like I said, it might not make you millions, but it has the potential to make you some money…and probably more than enough for just a cup of coffee!
It is a FREE opportunity to socialize and make money doing it. Yes, let’s make money as an affiliate of Webtalk and smile all the way to the coffee shop! And then some.
Images courtesy of Pixabay and Webtalk.
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16 thoughts to “Make Money As An Affiliate Of Webtalk – New Kid On The Block!”
Hi Michelle. I’m not sure if I fully understand how this works. It’s great that you can get money from referrals similarly like other affiliate programs but what is the purpose of using it? Is it like Google+ and you can post your new content so that others see what you have and go to your website to check out the whole article?
Hello Tina,
Thanks for your visit. It is simply a new social platform but one that basically gives you the option to separate personal from professional contacts, for starters and lots of other options to sort of differentiate and organize your social life per se. If you check out the platform a little closer, you might get a sense of it. And of course, a little extra cash to buy a cup of coffee will always come in handy based on how many social contacts you introduce to the platform. All the best.
Hi Michelle, what a great site! I actually just heard about this program a couple of days ago and did some research. I was a little confused and skeptical of a free mlm program. But you really summed it up for me. I’ve already joined because I saw it could be a good opportunity. I’ll definitely look more into it. Thank you.
Awesome, Sabrina. I am so glad that this information was useful and even more psyched that you have decided to get in on the ground floor- congrats. All the best and let’s ‘rock this’!
That was an incredible review on Webtalk. The internet world has been completely blown off by this All in One Social Media with the slogan, ” Goodbye Social Media. Hello, Webtalk”. It has also penetrated to the furthest realm of the globe so to say.
I signed up recently through one of my friends’ referral and looks good. Wish that this media survives and offers what has already been promised its affiliates fully knowing that it is in a Beta Testing period.
Much appreciated for coming out with your powerful review showcasing the ins and outs of the site.
I wish you a THUMPING Success.
Hello there Phomrong Hongsha,
I appreciate your kind words. Yes, i think getting in on the ground floor of WebTalk would be a great investment. We all need to remember that every big business starts (sometimes) small (Amazon, Facebook, et al), so I am sure WebTalk will make its mark. All the best and much success to you.
It is always good to learn something new. I learned about affiliates when I was looking to make extra money. This an interesting way of making money. Well written article.
Hello Angee,
I am glad that you found the information useful and appreciate your kind words. Be sure to get on board at the ground level and much success.
Hi Michelle, Thanks for reviewing this new opportunity. I understand that it’s just in it’s beta stages right now. I’m not on LinkedIn, though, and I notice you mentioned that it takes your contacts from there. Do you have to have a LinkedIn account to participate? Otherwise, it sounds good!
Hello Andrea,
Thanks for sharing your thoughts. Interesting question. The answer is no, you don’t need a LinkedIn account to participate (at least to my knowledge at this time). And also to keep in mind, anything in its beta-stage is subject to change. So, my suggestion would be to get on board and then contact support with any questions that you might have. Who knows, maybe your question will also help them in their beta-stage programming. All the best.
Hi Michelle,
I actually signed up with WebTalk already, but haven’t really used it much yet. I did not realize though that posts are treated like a referral link. I think that’s awesome! I’ll have to get more into it.
Hello Chas,
Yes, it has been on the buzz – to put it mildly. I am just ‘getting into it’ and feel my way around. Like anything new, you have to explore. All the best.
Hi Michelle, Great information on Webtalk. I have been hearing a lot of buzz about this and getting in on the beta test stage is a fantastic beginning. The ability to keep seperate listings for social engagement is key for me. I try not to share my business posts with family so I really like the change from just public. And you can even breakdown the groups for a target grouping.
Hello Sanders,
Thanks for stopping by. Yes, this is exactly what won me over. The idea of keeping professional and personal life separate. Also, the idea of being on the ground floor of something that will indeed be BIG in a few months. Come join the beta-wave. Here is my invitation
All the best.
Relationships are so important and I think a lot of people get that wrong when talking about social media. I often browse through sites and see so much spam.
I think the idea of Webtalk is awesome. 10 users joining and you make $10/month. However, do you have any tips to get people to sign up?
Hello Garen,
Thanks for sharing your thoughts. Yes, you are so right, we need to change our perspective indeed. Ideas on getting people to sign up? Hmm, not right now. I simple share the information with my friends and then hope it will mushroom from there. As the cliche goes – each one teach one, each one reach one. All the best.