Managing Employee Health And Safety In Your Business

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Employee health and safety really isn’t the most exciting of subject areas to focus on in regard to running a small business. But it’s essential that you’re not only aware of your responsibilities as an employer regarding health and safety, but that you follow all the rules, guidelines and regulations pertaining to health and safety in the workplace.

Employee health and safety really isn’t the most exciting of subject areas Click To Tweet

When you take on staff, you need to provide them with an appropriate working environment where they can complete the tasks you ask of them without risking harm to themselves. Here are a few areas you need to focus on to achieve this when it comes to employee health and safety!

Fire Safety

While it’s unlikely that you’ll ever experience a fire in your small business, it’s of the utmost importance that you and your employees are fully prepared for the event of one.

First and foremost, you need to make sure that you have all the fire safety equipment required in your commercial premises. You need to ensure there are:

  • working fire alarms fitted (and that these are tested regularly)
  • that you have fire extinguishers available
  • fire exit signs highlighting the nearest exits
  • other essentials, such as fire doors, fire blankets and fire curtains
  • and you need to ensure that there is a fire protocol in place. This is essentially a simple routine that your employees will follow in the case of an outbreak of fire.

One of the most effective ways to ensure that you are meeting all your responsibilities as an employer, and even going beyond to ensure the best in fire safety is to work with a professional who can highlight what you’re missing. Services like Devin Doyle can not only provide you with the fire protection supplies that your workplace is missing but can offer all kinds of insights on fire safety that you might otherwise be missing. 

Consider Ergonomic Design

Your employees are likely to spend much of their day in the same space completing routine tasks. You need to ensure that any furniture or equipment they’re using as part of their job is ergonomically designed.

This is specially designed furniture that prioritizes your employees’ posture and positioning to reduce their chances of experiencing injury at work, or as a result of their work.

A common example of an injury that ergonomic furniture can prevent is repetitive strain injury. Consider investing in a monitor mount arm, ergonomic wrist supports for keyboards, and ergonomic chairs.

Safety Signage

If there are any features in your commercial property building that can’t be changed but could pose a potential threat to the safety and overall well-being of your workers, it needs to be signposted. This can include “mind your head” signs near low ceilings or doorways or “mind the step” warnings where unexpected steps may take people by surprise.

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You should also invest in temporary signage for temporary problems, such as wet floor signs to indicate spillages that haven’t yet been cleaned up.

Sure, this may sound like a bit of effort. But you need to focus on the above areas in order to ensure your workers are safe. It’s all part and parcel of being an employer and none of this can be avoided.

If you fail to comply with these regulations, you are actively putting your employees at risk and you could face a court case and compensation claims if anyone does become hurt down the line!It is imperative that as an employer, you do what needs to be done to ensure employee health and safety at every level in your business.

Images courtesy of Pixabay, UnSplash and Pexels.

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