marketing terms glossary

A Simple Marketing Terms Glossary That You Need To Know!

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Let me introduce you to a simple marketing terms glossary that should come in handy as a business owner. When we look into marketing for a successful business, there are a lot of key elements to consider and often marketing has a deeper and more complex story than we may think. If you are looking to market your business this year and make headway in the world of business, there are several definitions you need to know before you get started. Here are some of the top marketing terms glossary of business words which everyone should know and use this year as outlined by this contributed article.


Search engine optimization is a phrase which sounds a lot scarier than it really is. In short, this term describes the act of trying to get our website and content to rank higher on a search engine’s results. So if you were a restaurant in Manchester and someone searched those keywords on Google, you would want your website to rank in the first few pages of search results.

Let me introduce you to a simple marketing terms glossary that should come in handy as a business owner.Click To Tweet


Keywords go hand in hand with SEO and content creation. The idea of planting keywords into your content and website code will allow people to find your easily and see what your company does. This is something which is hugely helpful for us and it will allow us to reach more of our target audience and make a lasting impression on them.


You have likely already heard of the term blogging, and this is the act of running a blog on a website which shares articles a few times a week to their audience. You can either blog for a company such as this, or you can run a personal blogging site to share your passions in life and gain revenue through reviews or advertising.

Social Media

Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and more… when it comes to marketing there is no better modern tool than social media. Social media is a term used to describe any platform which people can sign up to and share their own content and lives with friends, family and the world. It allows us to connect with people all over the world in an instant and can be a huge help to marketing campaigns.


A key performance indicator is a measurement which you set for yourself as a target for a campaign. Let’s say you are sending out an email to 1000 people. Your KPI might be to get a 1% response rate meaning that you gain 10 replies to your email. Once you have a target you can work to change and improve your method of marketing to fit in with this.

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Whenever someone likes, shares, comments or clicks a link on your content, this is known as engagement. Engagement is what we are aiming for a small company and we want to make sure as many people take action on our content as we can. It is a good idea to record engagement and find some ways to better pull people into our content and make them want to buy from us or talk to us. Engagement is the key to marketing success.

Here’s hoping that this simple marketing terms glossary will prove resourceful for you and your business in 2019. Much success.

Images courtesy of Pixabay.

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