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How Do You Feel About Money And Your Well-Being?

money and your well-being

Have you ever wondered about money and your well-being – is there a connection of sorts…or is it as they say…it is all in the mind? Well, let’s take a somewhat closer look.

And who knows, maybe at the end of the day…or this contributed article (I couldn’t help the humorous input), you just might see the connection.

Have you ever wondered about money and your well-being - is there a connection of sorts...or is it as they is all in the mind? Well, let's take a somewhat closer look.Click To Tweet

Money is just money, right? I mean, we use it just to pay for things and save for things—and it doesn’t have an effect on us besides that, right?

Well, of course, we all know that that isn’t true. Money affects us in countless ways, changing our relationships and impacting how we feel and how we react, internally and externally.

And experts have increasingly recognized that as they’ve developed and learned about behavioral finance.

Many of us associate money with stress, and for good reason. When we pay for things, we think about how much they cost and whether or not we’re going to be on a good path for a solid future. Those include planning for a mortgage, putting our children through college, and paying for big life events.

But you can change how you feel about money and get comfortable with what you save and what you spend. This graphic walks through that and gives you a closer view on money and your well-being.

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I hope that you found some value in this info-graphic and who knows, maybe some insight to help improve ‘life as you know it’  – in more ways than one!

Yes, be it ever so slight or how you choose to look at it, there is a connection with money and your well-being. All the best.


Images courtesy of Pixabay and Discover.

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