$50 Payday With ZERO Traffic Method

My Pure $50 Payday With ZERO Traffic Method Review$50 Payday With ZERO Traffic Method Review

OK, I know what you are thinking – is this even remotely possible – $50 Payday With Zero Traffic Method? Well, let’s have a closer look, shall we? Read on.

What is Pure $50 Payday With Zero Traffic Method all about?Click To Tweet

Product: Pure $50 Payday With Zero Traffic Method

Software Creator: Ivy Livingston & Bithi Karmakar

Launch Date: 24 November 2018

Niche: It works with any niche

Price: $0…YES you are reading it right!

What Is The Pure $50 Payday With Zero Traffic Method?

This a system to help you make your first dollar online as long as you follow the system suggestions.

What it includes:

  • PDF guide with information on how to set up your business for FREE
  • A step-by-step detailed handbook on how to set up the system and activate the FREE traffic source
  • An over-the-shoulder case study showing how to help you connect the dots and be on your way to success

What You Will Learn:

Here is what the system should teach you:

  • Free Traffic Sources to enable you to make money online
  • Free Tools & Resources to help you make your online business explode
  • How to run your business with just an internet connection and 30 minutes each day to a profitable income
  • Doing all this on a ZERO BUDGET
  • Suggestions as to the best affiliate programs and offers to use
  • How to scale your business and automate it

Who Is it For?

This is for anyone who has an interest in making money online. Newbies and veterans – just about anyone with an internet connection and the ability to follow instructions!

Whose Idea Is This?

ivy livingstonbithi karmakar

This system was created by two software creators with the end result for success for anyone who is willing to learn with the tools given to them.

They have both been around and have been making a success with their online businesses and have decided to ‘share the wealth’.

You can also see my FULL product review HERE 

50 payday zero buy now

Here are a few FAQs that might be helpful to you before you buy:

Frequently Asked Questions

​What Is All This About?

​The course will show you how you can generate affiliate commissions of at least $​50 a consistent daily basis.  With the methods we teach the skies the limit on how much you could potentially earn in the future.

​Do I Need Any Technical Skills?

​You don’t need any technical skills at all to see good results with this course.  If you follow the course correctly and do exactly as we instruct, you’ll be able to earn a very good living.

​How Is The Training Delivered?

​This ebook comes in PDF format (step by step guideline with screenshot and very much easy to understand ) you will get immediate access to once your download has been processed.

​Will I Be Required To Make My Own Digital Products?

​This course does not require you to create your own digital products.

​I Am A Complete Newbie, Is This For Me?

​Yes, anyone can make this method work.  The training is delivered in very basis step by step ​PDF.  You cannot fail with this method and course.

Launch a UK website today!

​Will This Work For Any Niche?

​The system works in all of the major profitable markets. There are probably some smaller less profitable niches where it might be tricky because sufficient affiliate programs are simply not available. But these are very much the exception to the rule.

​How Long Will It Take To Start Making Money?

​If you follow the course correctly its possible to start making good money within days.  Most students have seen results within a day or two of enrollment into the course.

​Will I Need To Spend Money To Make This Work?

​You don’t need to spend any money to make money uses the free tools and resources.

This system offer comes with a 100% Satisfaction Guarantee – so trying it out should be a no-brainer…especially for the price!

Main Features:

I have been doing a little research on the system and I find these are the key point to keep in mind:

  • The Price – $0 – anyone can afford it
  • The delivery – it is a PDF/EBook format so you can go at your own pace
  • The 30-day money-back guarantee – what’s not to like about that – really funny if you ask me
  • The promise – if you follow the steps, you will get results – the onus is on you – quite simply put.

The Downside:

Well, this had me beat…:

  • You need to be internet/computer savvy…a little more than just turning on the computer
  • You will get the immediate FREE download and then there will be a $1 charge after 255 days. Still, not a bad investment.

And this is what I found.

And, if you decided to check out this system, I will give you a few BONUSES to help you mold your efforts to success.

50 payday zero buy now

My Pure $50 Payday With Zero Traffic Method BONUSES


BONUS#1crazy traffic explosion


BONUS#2ultimate traffic mantra bonus2


My Final Thoughts On Pure $50 Payday With Zero Traffic Method Review

You have nothing to lose and everything to gain…$50 and more, once you get the system in place…and MY GREAT BONUSES to help you on your online journey.

Check it out and be sure to leave me your feedback!

Images courtesy of Pixabay.

You can put your thoughts on paper but learning how to build your own blog is something different. If you have the right training it is not that difficult.

When you learn how to build your own blog you get to choose the things that you write about. You can also use the blog to make extra income. Here is where I learned how to build my own blog and connect with people who helped me along the way.

Click Here and see what it is all about!

  • Easy to use
  • Format - eBook
  • Price - affordable

Summary of My Pure $50 Payday With ZERO Traffic Method Review

Here is what the system should teach you:

  • Free Traffic Sources to enable you to make money online
  • Free Tools & Resources to help you make your online business explode
  • How to run your business with just an internet connection and 30 minutes each day to a profitable income
  • Doing all this on a ZERO BUDGET
  • Suggestions as to the best affiliate programs and offers to use
  • How to scale your business and automate it

It is worth checking it out – for the price, it is a no – brainer…good luck!

6 thoughts to “My Pure $50 Payday With ZERO Traffic Method Review

  • AV 2001

    Hey Michelle! How are you? I really loved this post as it contains lot of useful information. I’m in a phase where my primary goal is to get lots of traffic onto my website.

    I came across a couple of websites but they contain lots of spam content and just fool you into buying stuff that don’t really work. You’ve done an amazing job and I can’t wait any longer to try them on. 

    Thanks a lot for taking your precious time in writing this post. Cheers!

    • Michelle

      Hello AV,

      Thanks for stopping by. I am glad that you found the information useful. Of course, you have to do your due diligence about everything in life – work and pleasure.  I would love to hear your feedback if you decide to check out this system.


  • Antoinette Song, PhD

    Hello Michelle, This article is interesting. The topic is up to date, especially for anyone who is entering the online marketing industry. I have to admit that it is overwhelming to locate what works and what is not. This article confirms that ‘My Pure $50 Payday with Zero traffic’ actually work. What I was expecting in this review is your own testimony. Did you apply it, how did it work for you?

    Have become very skeptical of these offers. If I have nothing to spend to get, what are the owners of the software gain for promoting it? In other word what is the catch?

    The product seems interesting. I have registered to learn more about it.

    Thank you for the review.

    • Michelle

      Hello Antoinette, 

      Thanks for sharing your thoughts. I TOTALLY agree with you – so man options and having yo sift through it all. I have not yet tried the program because I am a member of a great educational platform – Wealthy Affiliate – and I am able to position myself to my advantage online. You can check out my review on Wealthy Affiliate by using this link:https://yesucandoit.com/wealth

      I am tempted and I just might indulge in the luxury of the price. Please let me know how it goes for you.


  • Darryl

    Hi Michelle,

    Thanks for sharing your article about Warrior Plus. I’ve been looking into affiliate marketing and, from what I understand, it takes a while to attract traffic and starting getting enough views to be able to sell product. It requires a lot of time to be invested in order to be successful. Warrior Plus is advertising that you can make $50 per day with just 30 minutes of effort expended per day. Is this true, that you believe that it’s possible to make that much money with so little effort? It’s hard to believe that it would actually be possible.

    What’s your experience? Is this really possible?

    Thanks for your consideration,


    • Michelle

      Hello Darryl,

      Thanks for stopping by.

      Warrior plus is just one of the many affiliate forums where software creators ‘showcase’ their products. Yes, being an affiliate marketer takes time and you have to be diligent, consistent, tech-savvy (it helps),patient,and be willing to work at whatever you choose to market/promote.

      The creators are the ones saying that if you commit as little as 30 mins, $0 money down AND use their ‘proven’ system, you will get results. They are based on what they have been able to do using the said system – you should check out their sales page to see their screenshots of earnings.

      Of course, no one can tell if you (using the same system) will also earn as they do – you will have to follow their system and do so with confidence.

      I haven’t tried their system as yet, ( I just might out of curiosity) especially because I am already getting the education I need being on the Wealthy Affiliate platform…you can read my review here:https://yesucandoit.com/wealth

      If you decide to ‘give up the price of a cup of coffee’ to test the system, please leave your feedback.



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