
Small Business Rebranding: FAQs – Answered!

As a small business, it is no surprise that the whole idea of small business rebranding might enter your thoughts…keeping in mind that you have a brand to begin with – and then, maybe even if you did not – then this is a good time to start.

Take a look at the FAQs in this contributed article and see if your questions are answered. Read more.

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There are numerous reasons that small business rebranding could be the right choice for your small business:

  • If you are adding a new product or service that is somewhat different from your current offering, rebranding can help to establish the new direction and promote unity across the company.
  • If you have experienced issues in the past and have since made improvements, rebranding can represent a fresh start for the company as a whole
  • If you are looking to penetrate new markets – for example, you are expanding into another country – then rebranding can provide clarity and help to reshape your brand in the eyes of your customers and prospective customers

Unfortunately, while small business rebranding can be a worthwhile choice if any of the above scenarios apply to your company, the process is also complex.

If you’re contemplating rebranding, the chances are that you have a number of questions about the topic – and we’ve sought to answer the most common queries below.

What Does Rebranding Entail?

small business rebranding

To fully rebrand your business, you will essentially need to give your company a face-lift. While the staff, operations, and business niche will remain the same, you’re essentially starting over with the overall look of your business.

Does Rebranding Mean Changing My Business’ Name?

Not necessarily; it is possible to simply rebrand by changing the customer-facing elements of a business, but without changing the business name. However, many entrepreneurs find that a new start merits a new name, especially if they are rebranding to reflect an expansion in their products or services.

What Are The “Customer-facing Elements” Of My Business?

Essentially, anything that your customers see, read, or interact with should be included in your rebranding efforts, with the following the most common areas that need to be addressed:

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  • You’ll need to either significantly improve your website, or work with a professional web design service to design a new site from scratch – especially if your business primarily operates online.
  • If you are changing the name of your company, then you will also likely need to change your domain name
  • You will need to change your logo, and use the new logo on stationery, letterheads, social media accounts, and so on and so forth
  • You will also need to define the new brand, establishing a different brand voice to create a clean separation from your original business
  • If relevant, you will need to change your business premises’ signage and, if possible within your budget, the internal decor
  • Finally, you will also need to update all directory listings, adverts, social media handles, and so on – essentially, any aspect of your online presence that a customer will interact with

Does Anything Else Need To Change To Rebrand A Business Successfully?

If you are changing the name of your business, you will also need to change all documentation relating to your business; for example, your business’ tax filings. However, this is not necessary if you are not changing the business name.

Is Rebranding Expensive?

Rebranding can be expensive, but like most aspects of business, you can control the costs and ensure the process falls within your budget.

Is Rebranding Worth It?

For the most part, yes, provided there is a good reason for undertaking the process – rebranding for the sake of it can mean a lot of expense for relatively little reward.

However, if your business needs a fresh start in order to embrace a new era, then rebranding is a great way to achieve this goal.

Images courtesy of Pixabay.

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