Safeguarding Your Mental Wellbeing When You Work From Home[List]
Nowadays, it seems like ‘everyone’ is on the work from home band wagon. This blog is all about empowerment and helping people to be the best that they can be.
It’s about taking control of your life, your career and your finances. It’s about seizing opportunities when they come along, and creating them for yourself when they don’t.
However, with every opportunity comes a unique set of challenges.
Those who have been living on the breadline for years, often find that when they are making good money, knowing the best way in which to use it becomes a unique and perhaps unexpected challenge.
By that same token, when you quit the rat race and work from home aka for yourself as a freelancer, this can seem like a dream come true… And it is.
You’ll experience professional freedom like you’ve never known before and you’ll be answerable only to yourself. But it would be unrealistic and misleading to tell you that working for yourself doesn’t come with its own set of challenges.
If you’re not careful, self employment can take as much or even more of a toll on your mental well being than your old job. Here are some ways in which you can (and should) safeguard your mental health while you work from home to build your business.
Keep Set Working Hours
Can you imagine how intolerable your old job would be if you had to put in an hour’s unpaid overtime a day? Or two? Or three? Or five? Yet many of the people who quit day jobs that were overworking them throw themselves into freelancing with such zeal that they often wind up working much longer hours for the sake of tying up loose ends.
While this comes from a noble impulse, it’s frankly not sustainable. Keep set working hours. They don’t necessarily have to be 9 to 5 but they do need to be consistent. Otherwise, even when you’re at home, you’ll always be at work!
Take The Time To Entertain Yourself
You may feel an urge to race yourself to the finish line with each passing day, trying to get a day’s work done faster and faster with each passing week. While this is tempting (we all love to clock off early) it can be overtaxing for your mind.
Take frequent breaks to entertain yourself and put your brain on ice. Read a book. Read a lighthearted article or Tristar products review– something unrelated to work. Play video games. Or simply take a 15-minute power nap. You’ll return to your desk with a mind that’s rested and much more productive and avoid workplace stress throughout the day!
Eat And Drink
I know, I know, it sounds ridiculously redundant. But when you have a looming deadline rushing towards you, it’s surprising how taking the time to feed and water yourself can seem like a luxury.
Give yourself a lunch break. Ensure that you always have a bottle of water by your side (hydration is essential to maintain healthy brain function) and remember that a cup of coffee is not a meal!
Go Out!
Finally, no matter how well appointed your home office may be, it’s perfectly natural to get cabin fever when you spend all of your working days there.
Do yourself a favor and get out every once in a while. Treat yourself to a day working in your favorite coffee shop or at the very least take yourself for a nice long walk on your break.
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