Adapting Your Business Marketing Strategy Through The Covid Pandemic

You might ask – is it necessary to adapt one’s business marketing strategy? Well, it has been a couple of months now since the Coronavirus entered our lives and completely flipped our personal and professional lives upside down.

From having to practice social distancing and stay away from the people that we love and were used to seeing daily, to wearing masks and our loved ones getting sick, it has impacted our lives in a way that no one could have planned.

Covid-19 has impacted our lives in a way that no one could have planned.Click To Tweet

It has also been pretty bad news for business. Devastating, in fact.  It is estimated that globally, the pandemic will cost more than $2.7 TRILLION. That is a lot of money. Companies are going out of business left, right and center – even Virgin Atlantic are struggling and have asked their staff to take eight weeks unpaid leave.

Without a doubt, it is causing most if not all businesses to re-think their business marketing strategy once again.

If you have been one of the lucky ones that have managed to keep hold of their business, for now, you may be worrying about how you can maintain this and what it means for your marketing strategy.

In this article, we are going to look at some of the better marketing strategies that you can take to see you through this crisis and come out the other side safely.

covid-19-coronavirus-dystopia- adapting business marketing strategy

Image credit: Pixabay CC0 License

Don’t Play On Fear

It can be tempting, we know, but playing on people’s genuine fear about this virus is not good marketing. It is in pretty poor taste. 

Think about all of the slightly nefarious ‘businesses’ who bulk bought hand sanitizer and face masks and sold them on for a ridiculously high profit on eBay.

While they may have made a quick buck, it is not long term, and people remember. When things are more normal, they will remember which businesses acted morally and which exploited the situation, and it is not hard to work out which ones will come out smelling of roses.


And a bit more SEO. SEO stands for search engine optimization and is one of the most important things that you can do for your website and your marketing strategy.

It means making sure that your site ranks highly in search engines such as Google.

Now is the time to be spending time focussing on that. It can take a while for the benefits to become apparent, so while things are quiet, get it sorted so when the world is back open for business, you are ready to go. If you have no idea what SEO means, you might want to get the professionals in to help you.

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Use Paid Ads

In times like this, paid ads become cheap. A lot cheaper than usual. Small businesses may not have the money int heir budget, so there is less competition. Add to that the fact that more of us are at home browsing the internet, so more likely to click through onto an ad, and there you have it.

As a whole, PPC (pay per click) ads are seeing a much higher ROI than before the coronavirus pandemic took hold.

We don’t know when – and if – things are going to go back to how they were pre-COVID. As well as keeping safe, it is time to look at your business marketing strategy and see how you can adapt to move on with the times.

Images courtesy of Pixabay, UnSplash, and Pexels.

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How about that second career? Ever thought about writing? Or even have someone write for you if you think this would be a better alternative? Well, how about creating your own website? Letting your voice be heard…without actually talking…but using words online. We all have a story within us…what’s yours?

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Photo by ThisIsEngineering from Pexels

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