
Branding And Your Business!

establishing your brand as a business

One thing that ALL businesses want is to be remembered, and one way to do this is to be aware of the branding and your business! Having a logo is one step, however, the tagline is also important. It is recommended that your brand speaks about the main theme of your business – what it’s all about!

Take a look at this contributed article and see if you are making any of these more obvious mistakes when it comes to branding and your business!

Branding Mistakes That Can Harm Your Business!

branding as a part of your business


As a business owner, you will no doubt have heard about the effectiveness of branding and your business. Giving your company a unique look and feel (your own brand), you will effectively stand out from those other companies similar to yours. To use an analogy, it’s the difference between a generic box of cereal and a branded one.

The customer is almost always going to go for the box with a memorable tagline and unique color scheme, over the dull and boringly marketed box gathering dust on the supermarket shelves below.

Being aware of branding and your business will potentially explode your business growth, though you do need to take care. It is possible to damage your brand, and your business reputation, with the following mistakes. Have a look at them, and if any of them are relevant to your business, do something about them pronto!

Mistake #1: Not Researching Other Companies

Branding has to be unique, so everything from your logo design to your slogan needs to be different from anything else out there. Plastering your company products and website with something that has been done before can lead you in very hot water.

And by that, we mean legal action due to copyright laws. While it’s difficult to be 100% original, you still need to do your research to ensure your branding ideas aren’t too similar to something that is already existing. You really need to be VERY aware of branding and your business!

Mistake #2: Your Branding Needs To Be Consistent

Your branding needs to be everywhere, from your website to your business cards. However, it goes beyond logos and slogans. If you promote bright colors and a cheerful service, you are showing inconsistency if you pick up the phone with an irritated or disinterested voice. It is just another facet of branding and your business.

When you or your staff are out on business calls, you should have branded labels on your outfits. Again, if the human image you convey (such as being impolite) goes against the branding, you are being inconsistent. You want your brand to be memorable for the right reasons, and not associated with a grumpy business leader and an ill-mannered staff team.

Mistake #3: Creating An Inaccurate, Unbelievable Or Terrible Brand Slogan

Your slogan needs to match reality, so don’t create wording that is misleading for your target audience. Your slogan is a promise to your customer; a short phrase that encapsulates all that your company has to offer. This is the focal part of branding and your business.

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One of Apple’s first slogans was ‘Think Different.’ If they did everything the same way as their competitors, their wording would be declared irrelevant. BMW used the slogan, ‘Designed For Driving Pleasure.’ If their cars were uncomfortable to ride around in, their reputation would soon go down the pan.

So, make sure your company lives up to your branding promise. Oh, and you should probably learn a lesson from this early slogan from Electrolux. ‘Nothing Sucks Like An Electrolux.’ We don’t know what fool came up with that slogan, but it doesn’t do much for their company’s reputation. It is obvious that this company did not pay much attention when it came to branding – you have to, when it comes to branding and your business.


Branding your company is essential, but you need to avoid these mistakes. You need to spend some time in ensuring that you choose the best logo, tagline and deliver the concept you have in mind when it comes to branding and your business.

If you can think of any other branding pitfalls, please let us know.

Images courtesy of Pixabay, StaticFlckr, and Pexels.

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