How To Explode Your Business Growthwatching your business growth exponentially stack of gold coins getting higher

When it comes to business and growth, you want to have both words side by side – you want to explode your business growth – far and wide and exponentially!! After all, you are not just in business for ‘the fun of it’!

Don’t get me wrong, having fun while you promote your business is great, however, getting paid (and well) is also the ultimate combination too!

You can visit company website and see what it has to say about how you can explode your business growth on a constant basis.

When you’re striving to be the best, everyday growth just isn’t enough. You want your business to explode; you want it to grow bigger and faster than all the competition so that your company is the only logical choice to make.

However, the success and growth of this magnitude do not come easily; you will need to pour your blood, sweat, and tears into your business to ensure that you come out on top.

Below are some of the key factors you need to consider when aiming for the top, ignoring any one of them could hinder your progress by a significant factor.


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First things first, do you know your target market?

If not, you’d better stop and think long and hard about how you are managing your business model. Even if you are running a coffee shop, you can’t just say that your market is ‘everyone.’ Even if the product or service you offer is universal, there is a particular segment you are aiming at.

Are you aiming at the young, trendy millennial crowd? Are you hoping to serve retirees, busy professionals, stay-at-home parents? Think carefully about your target demographic and make sure you are catering your approach for maximum efficiency.

There is a whole host of technological advances that you can read about in Brad’s list of Public Relations Software Tools that will help your business to market itself effectively to your specific audience.

  • Use social media platforms to go viral and maximize your return on marketing investment.
  • Create competitions and prize draws that can be entered by sharing your page, this will allow you to reach an incredible amount of people in a very short period of time.

Whatever your target audience, be careful not to stray into the territory of making your publications feel patronizing or desperate. Many companies mistakenly try to appeal to a younger audience by using pop culture references and slang, this would be a mistake that could leave your business in the firing line for an internet-wide rebuttal.


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There are two ways to look at the term branding:

  • one is your logo and company color scheme,
  • the other is your reputation.

Both could be in need of a revamp.
The easiest way is to put some time and energy into your logo. Is it simple, is it effective? Is your packaging both functional and visually appealing, as well as eco-friendly?

‘Brand’ as part of your company reputation is a little more difficult to alter. There is a famous saying that says it can take twenty years to build a good reputation, but only five minutes to destroy it.

Whilst this is true, you should also consider that a bad reputation is harder to come back from, so you must make sure that you maintain your good standing in the community and market.

If you have suffered from a poor reputation in the past, you may need to invest some time into working to eradicate your past. Focus on your customer service, product knowledge, business ethics, and every other aspect of your business that may fall short of the competition.

You must cultivate a reputation as a business that people should be lucky to work with. When the clients are lining up out the door, then you have achieved a strong enough reputation within your market and you should be able to explode your business growth!


Whether you are a store-based business or trade solely online; whether you are service or product orientated, you could benefit enormously from expanding the physical footprint of your business. There is only so much business that your premises can realistically take on without becoming overwhelmed.

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By expanding to other locations in the local area, or even opening franchises in other cities or countries, you allow your business to serve more clients and customers, which will obviously bring about a huge amount of growth.

You will need to spend a considerable amount of money to do this, especially if you are looking to expand to other cities or nations, but the potential return on this investment is staggering.

Pursue Excellence

In order for your business to place itself head and shoulders above the competition, it has to offer so much more than the competition is offering. Your business must become synonymous with excellence.

You must be seen as the leading expert in your chosen field and the go-to company for all your client’s needs. You need to get to the point where your competitors are asking you for advice.

To get to this stage, you must spend a considerable amount of time in which your chosen market is what you live and breathe. You must know all there is to know and be able to demonstrate that knowledge to your clients and customers.

Not only is it reassuring for the customers to know that you are extremely knowledgeable in your particular niche, but you will be able to offer a level of service that no one else can compete with.

It may be that in order to truly excel at what you do, you must cut back on what you offer. Much like how the celebrity chef simplifies the menu of the failing restaurant to allow for specialization, you might have to cut back on the range of products or services you offer so that you can provide them in a much more specific and expert manner.

If renewed growth at an exponential rate is what you are searching for in your business, then this guide should have given you all the tools you need to provide a surge for your business, taking you on to new levels of success. Many of these tips could well take years to implement effectively or will need constant attention in order for them to be successful.

Do not be disheartened if this is the case. True success does not occur overnight; it takes many years to earn and much more to secure. But with some careful planning and a keen eye, your business could one day be at the top of the pile and sharing its secrets to success with others.

My Final Thoughts on How To Explode Your Business Growth

Yes, knowing how to explode your business growth rests solely with you and your application of proven strategies to do so. Start today and give it time to reap the benefits of your blood, sweat, and (sometimes) tears!

Images courtesy of Pixabay, UnSplash, and Pexels.

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