Leaving Teaching? Discover 4 Exciting Career Choices

It’s no secret that there have been many difficulties facing teachers in recent years. From the global pandemic disrupting learning to concerns over school violence and burnout, more teachers are leaving the profession, as opposed to retiring or being dismissed. If you’ve been considering giving up teaching yourself, you’re probably wondering how you can make it work to start a new job or career.

One of the best ways to transition out of teaching is to start a new career. There are many different businesses you can start that will help make the most of your skills, and give you the chance to work for yourself.

Take a look at 4 careers you can start if you’re thinking of leaving teaching.

teacher smiling in empty classroom career choices

Image Credit: Unsplash under Creative Commons

1. Work as a tutor

Working as a teacher, you’ve likely developed some skills and expertise in a particular subject, and there’s no reason why that has to go to waste after you quit teaching. Becoming a tutor can ensure you still get to teach your subject, but with hours and students you can choose yourself.

You can even become an online tutor to give you further flexibility. Explore some of the best online tutor services to help you find reputable companies you can register with.

2. Teach a skill

Even if you decide to move away from teaching a particular subject, you’ll have some essential experience to help teach an important skill. From teaching a musical instrument to teaching a language or teaching kids how to swim, your skills as a teacher can be used for another purpose. It’s important to ensure you have the right qualifications and insurance to teach in your relevant field. You’ll need to acquire certificates to become a driving instructor, or swimming school Insurance to ensure you can operate your business safely and professionally.

3. Make a difference through education policy

If you’ve left teaching due to frustrations with current systems and policies, why not focus your career and energy on making changes to the education system? Some great examples include working for the government, or in local education policy roles. The insights you have both working with students and in the teaching profession will mean you’re a valuable source of information who could really make a difference.

4. Become a youth worker

If working with kids is what you loved about teaching, there are still ways you can do this without being in a classroom. Youth workers can help children’s development in both educational and social ways, and there may be activities and causes you can get involved in that can make a difference without the pressure of a classroom setting.

It’s not always easy to change careers, especially when you work in an area like teaching. But whether you’re making a career change to establish a better work/life balance or to spend more time with family, make the move that’s best for your needs. Explore different career options to help you find the perfect role and look forward to a better future for yourself.

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Images courtesy of Pixabay, UnSplash, and Pexels.

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