training and development

How To Accomplish Employee Training And Development!

Employee training and development is one of those must-have tools for the success of any business – online or offline! Making sure that your company representatives are equipped optimally will reflect greatly on the success of your business – and your clients will be able to tell the difference, especially when it comes to customer service and customer feedback surveys.

Let’s see the tips and points that are outlined in this contributed article and maybe you can implement a few in the success of your business overall.

Training Doesn’t Have To Be Dull Anymore


coach writing on board in training room

If there is one word that makes all employees groan, it has to be “training”. Not all workers are convinced that they need to take part in all the training courses that their employees offer them, and they can get quite annoyed when they are made to take compulsory courses and training days.

They think that it is a waste of time as it’s one day when they won’t get any of their important work done, which could leave them behind in their schedule.

Even though your employees aren’t convinced that training is good for them, it is still important that you do offer it in the company. It’s a vital part of any role as it can help your workers carry out their day to day tasks a lot more productively and efficiently – even if they don’t realize it themselves!

No matter how beneficial you say all your training is, you might notice that employees still complain about it. There are ways to change their minds, though. For instance, why not make it less dull? Here are some ways you can do that.

employees clapping hands in employee training

Promote A Learning Culture

First of all, it is often necessary to ensure that you are promoting a learning culture in your workspace. That way, training won’t ever seem too alien to your employees. So, if you have certain expectations when it comes to your staff’s training, it is super important that you always communicate all of them to your team.

Training shouldn’t ever come as a surprise after that, and all of your employees will know exactly what to expect throughout their career at your company.

Invest In The Best

Once you start to look for coaches and trainers to hire, you should always look for the best. Even if they are considerably more expensive than everyone else in the market, at least you know that you are paying for their expert training skills and that all of your employees will benefit as a result.

Not only will these coaching experts have plenty of experience in their field, but they will also know what they need to do to keep your team’s attention. Some trainers who aren’t as qualified might only be interested in passing on their knowledge and certain messages to your employees.

However, if you invest in the best, you will find coaches who can succeed in passing on everything they need to communicate to your employees in a highly entertaining way that will help to keep everyone focused throughout the course.

Mix Up The Training Mediums

One of the main reason why so many people get bored during training sessions is that there isn’t a mix of training mediums. There is no point just inviting someone to come and talk to them for an hour, as this will be really boring and the information won’t stick in their minds.

Changing up the different training materials and medium can promote active learning, which helps engage all your employees for longer. For instance, combining a blended learning video with a talk and some group sessions is a great way to mix things up and keep all of your employees on their toes.

There won’t be a dull moment and everyone will be able to go away having learned some vital information that they won’t forget easily!

employees conversing about training and development

Keep It Going

Once you start some new employee training and development program, you shouldn’t stop. Similarly, it’s no use just organizing onboard training for your new hires but then never providing them with any further training or courses ever again during their time at the company. It’s essential that you regularly train your staff no matter what line of work they are in.

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There are always new things that can be learned, for instance. You might want to provide them with some on-the-job training that will be focused on the various tasks that they carry out throughout the day.

Alternatively, you could train them in the various processes and systems that are unique to your company. But, at the end of the day, your employees will benefit more from training if it occurs regularly. Plus, they will learn a lot more and always be at the top of the game.

If your training courses lead on from one another then even better, as the later ones will reinforce what they learned previously.

employee training and development

Opt For Microlearning

One of the main mistakes that quite a few company owners make is that they think their training needs to be full days. That’s not a good idea, though, neither for your employees or your company.

First of all, your company will suffer a great deal as it is one full day that no work will be done. Your clients will have to wait to hear from you, and they might not be too happy about that. But it also isn’t great news for your employees either.

They will be quite daunted by the prospect of a full day of learning new things. It could be exhausting for them, and the long hours will be very counterproductive. You will benefit much more if you opt for microlearning – short training sessions that can be as short as an hour but take no longer than half a day.

employees listening to a training coach

Keep It Interactive

All of your training should be interactive. There is no point just making your employees sit in a room while someone talks at them for an hour or so – they won’t get anything from that at all. There could be various activities that they can get involved with for some hands-on learning.

This can be anything from group discussions to using interactive whiteboards. All of this active learning will help facts and figures stick in their head so there is little chance of them forgetting anything that they are taught.

Your company’s training shouldn’t make your employees yawn. If it is currently like this, then it could be time for you to make some changes. Hopefully, all the tips above on employee training and development will help you to do that!


Images courtesy of Pixabay and Pexels.

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2 thoughts to “How To Accomplish Employee Training And Development!

  • Orion

    Really good and to the point article Michelle, my husband deals with Employee training and Employee engagement & retention training and – a lot of what you have written here corresponds with what he does. This is a vast field and can be taken in many and various ways. Knowing how to “reach” the people and make them feel like they are actually having a one on one training session even though there are 20 or 30 people in the room is a real art! (which makes my husband an artist!)
    Anyway, really enjoyed reading your article.
    All the best – Orion

    • Michelle

      Hello there Orion,
      Thnx for your visit and your kind words. It is nice when I get confirmation on the articles that are written and I appreciate your thoughts greatly. I can feel the love and pride that you have for your husband and his work. Yes, people need to feel less like a cog in a mill and more like they have value to offer to an organization. Much success to you and your husband.


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