employee in retail store find fulfilling work

How To Find Fulfilling Work Any Time

employee in retail store find fulfilling work

Image https://www.pexels.com/search/retail/

It helps when you find fulfilling work especially when it does not have to break you or the bank to find a great balance. Work is often just a means to an end, a way to earn money to pay the bills.

The problem is that we live in a society that’s centered around work, and most of us work up to (or even over) forty hours a week. This means that if you’re unhappy in the workplace, you’re probably not going to be happy throughout the rest of your life.

...breaking free and doing something else with your work could massively fulfill your lifeClick To Tweet

How about making a change, here are some suggestions to help you find fulfilling work on your terms.

Start a business in an area you love

Many of us, kind of fall into our industries of work. It usually starts by taking any job we can get (perhaps as a stop gap) but which then leads us onto a particular career path. Years later you can find yourself working in an area that you don’t really enjoy, does not particularly suit you, and isn’t something you ever thought you’d do for work.

If this sounds familiar, breaking free and doing something else with your work could massively fulfill your life. You don’t have to be an expert in your field.

Say for example you’ve always loved fashion, you don’t have to rely on becoming a top selling fashion designer to make your living. You could open an online or retail store and sell clothes instead.

Find your niche, will you sell men, women, and children’s clothes or a selection? Will your store be targeted towards a specific style such as vintage or punk, will it be a high-end store or a bargain place to shop?

The same applies to any kind of area you want to work in, it could be anything from sports to writing to music. Perhaps you are particularly interested in the applications of heat shrink tubing, and you want to work in an area that allows you to make the most of that. There are plenty of ways to sell and make money in just about any field without having to be a top-selling author, musician, artist, or more.

Yes, it really does not have to be a challenge to find fulfilling work once you start looking in the right places.

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Improve your skills

Improving your skills is good for your work life and good for your general life too. The human race is a curious species, we’re often at our happiest when we’re building skills and learning new things. The problem is that after leaving formal education, many of us simply stop seeking knowledge.

Start learning again, find ways to learn skills that fulfill you and can also improve your career prospects. You could take a business course to learn everything from managing a team to understanding MAP pricing, marketing and more.

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You could start a hobby that allows you to build skills in a fun way, team sports for example are a great way to learn more about teamwork and getting along with others. Once you’ve built relevant skills, you’ll be in a better position to apply for a promotion or even change career and do something else.

Work, volunteer, or travel abroad

The world is a huge place, it’s a waste to stay in one spot your entire life. Working or volunteering abroad enables you to learn new things, and gain new skills and it also looks great on your cv. If you’re in a position where you’re able to live in or travel to another part of the world for a period of time then grab the opportunity with both hands.

You’ll meet people that are very different to you, learn about the culture and customs (particularly in relation to work if you’re working abroad) and it’s fulfilling to you as a person as well.

It’s something that lots of people do early in their career or in gap years at university, but even if you’re much further along in life than that, it’s something you could consider. It could be one month, six months or even one year

Network to find more opportunities

Sometimes it really is about who you know rather than what you know. Networking and being well-connected can mean opportunities can fall into your lap, things you simply wouldn’t have come across any other way.

Attend networking events, join LinkedIn, and make the effort to meet and speak to people in your niche (or the niche you want to get into). Not only is the socializing aspect beneficial but you could end up being offered the perfect opportunity simply because you knew the right people.

It really helps when you know how to find fulfilling work and be at ease doing a job you enjoy!

Images courtesy of Pixabay, UnSplash and Pexels.

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