What is GlobalMoneyLine?




I am very new to GlobalMoneyLine and so far I am very impressed with it. Let me tell you a little bit or should I say, as much as I know about GlobalMoneyLine.

GlobalMoneyLine Review

Name: GlobalMoneyLine
Website: GlobalMoneyLine
Price: FREE $0, $20, $50, $100, $250, $500
Owners: Kent Anthony
Overall Rank: 4 out of 5

GlobalMoneyLine Overview

Basically, from what I understand, GlobalMoneyLine is a source to increase your business leads. As a business owner, we are always looking for ways to promote our business – email marketing is a very popular method. But of course, who wants to bombard our friends by sending out emails and opt-ins if we can find another source to generate the publicity all businesses seek? I know I am interested.

And so, I was more than just curious when I was introduced to GlobalMoneyLine a few days ago – to be exact, November 27, 2016. It was FREE to join and so I did. In a few days, I started getting email notifications that my ‘leads’ or ‘moneyline’ were growing. I finally decided to take a look. It was indeed.

As a matter of fact, I started writing this review at 15:39 today December 2, 2016 and took a snapshot of my moneyline and as you can see, it shows my leads of 2900. IMPRESSIVE???  In just 5 days!

Wait, look at the next snapshot approximately 1 1/2hours later.

Snapshot 15:39 December 2, 2016



Snapshot time 17:11 December 2, 2016




This is certainly encouraging and gets me thinking. Yes, thinking about the obvious fact that I have the possibility to reach all these potential leads for my business.

Let’s take a look at this introductory video about GlobalMoneyLine.




Ok, so let’s step back and see what are the pros and the cons about GlobalMoneyLine. This way you will be empowered with all the information in order to make an informed decision.

The Pros:

It –

  • is FREE to sign-up. You can remain a free member for as long as you choose. Your moneyline will keep growing until you decide to take advantage of its potential
  • is global – there is a representation of possible leads from all over the world
  • allows open communication among ALL members even as a FREE member
  • has no email information exchange UNLESS it is a mutual exchange agreed between members, i.e. NO SPAMMING; only Admin and your sponsor will have access to your email address.
  • gives you have the potential to network with people in every possible niche you can think of
  • builds a global list of potential subscribers for you
  • can help you to advertise your web-business


The Cons:

  • if you decide to become a paid member, it will cost a few dollars. (see the description below) depending on your budget
  • if you remain a FREE member , you can only message any of your potential leads only one at a time, no ‘mass-messaging’, which also means more time on the computer to dedicate to your business
  • it is a fairly new company, so it has not yet built up it ‘trust’ among the business world representation
  • not enough training videos to acclimatize you with the product


Who is GlobalMoneyLine For?

Launch a UK website today!

Basically, GlobalMoneyLine is for anyone looking to increase their ‘outreach’ in their online business:

  • affiliate marketers
  • bloggers
  • home business owners
  • internet marketers, and
  • network marketers

GlobalMoneyLine Tools & Training

There are videos and audio information on the site to help guide you through the system – initiation and business opportunity. I personally feel that there could be more in this aspect.

GlobalMoneyLine Support

There is support in the form of an online chat icon – you can specifically ask your question and be assigned a ‘ticket’ where you will be responded to. You can also find support from your sponsor via email. There is no telephone access.

GlobalMoneyLine Price

There are several pricing options being offered –

  • FREE – $0 to sign-up ( the point where I am as of now). Here you have access to communicate with anyone globally who signs-up after them in the MoneyLine. You can also send messages to one person at a time. You can only message a person once, unless someone replies to you.
  • Bronze Class Subscription – $20, one-time. Same as the FREE account but with the ability to send 20 messages at once. Bronze messages are displayed above Free messages.
  • Silver Class Subscription – $50, annually. Same as Bronze except now you can send messages to 50 people. Silver messages are displayed above Bronze messages. Silver members can create their own ad message on a Silver’s Only page.
  • Gold Class Subscription – $100, annually. Same as Silver with your ability to send 100 messages. You can create your own ad which is displayed on a rotating basis on the dashboard of those who sign-up after you in the MoneyLine.
  • Platinum Class Subscription – $250, annually. Same as Gold with an increase of 250 messages at a time. Platinum messages are displayed above Gold. You can only message a person one-time PER MONTH, unless someone responds back to you.
  • Diamond Class Subscription – $500, coming soon.

GlobalMoneyLine also offers you the opportunity to make money as well, by having referrals.




GlobalMoneyLine at a Glance…

Name: GlobalMoneyLine

Website: GlobalMoneyLine
Owners: Kent Anthony
Price: FREE $0, $20, $50, $100, $250, $500
Overall Rank: 4 out of 5


Personally, I see no harm in allowing someone else to recruit potential leads for your business. You are still in the driver seat when it comes to deciding who promotes your business. Why not give GlobalMoneyLine a chance to make things happens for you. It only takes 2 minutes to sign-up…and remember, you can remain a FREE member, grow your leads under you and take your time to decide what happens next.

Take a look, and please give me some feedback on your experience.

Snapshot at 21:06 December 2, 2016





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It only takes 2 minutes to Join, it’s FREE! and it builds Your Global List for You!!

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14 thoughts to “Globalmoneyline…a way to secure leads!

  • Sunny

    Michelle, this sounds pretty good. I am looking forward to increasing my business potential and I believe that is good as long as you are using it 🙂

    May you have 10000 until December 4th 😉

    • Michelle

      Hello there, Sunny. Thank you for stopping by. Yes, it is a great way to expand your reach. AND, yes, as long as you are using it as an effective tool. Thank you for your wish.

  • Arooj Asif

    Sounds good and interesting , will check it out. I believe , it will definitely come out with good deal.

    • Michelle

      Hello Arooj, thank you for visiting. Yes, I encourage to take a look, EVERY business can always use a few leads. Please let me know how you are doing from time to time. Much success.

  • Odd Helge Hveding

    Thank You, Michelle.

    I wish for this being what television news is about. What a great idea this is. Thank you for sharing the good news and opportunity.

    Now I’m going to see how many leads I’ve got.

    Keep up your wonderful work. Helping people is a great way of making a living.

    • Michelle

      Hello Odd Helge,
      Thank you for visiting. I totally agree with you. It is indeed an opportunity to invest in – one can never have too many leads. Much success. AND, yes, helping people is one way of paying it forward. I get the feeling you already know this! 🙂

  • Nancy B.

    Are the leads actual traffic to your website? I would LOVE to have that traffic to my website, if it is indeed the case. Or is there something else you have to do to interact with the leads and drive them to your site? Are they email contacts?

    Your review makes me want to check this out and see what it is all about 🙂

    • Michelle

      Hello there Nancy,
      Thanks for visiting. The leads are potential leads to your website if you follow through. You basically get a list of global contacts and then you have to take it from there. Depending on your membership level, I think it starts at the silver membership – you are able to put up an ad about your website as well. However, in the meantime, you can still contact the potential leads that will ‘come’ under you once you have signed up for FREE. You contact them through the site – there is no exchange of emails unless it is mutually agreed by you and the other person. Give it a look over, and maybe sign up as a free member – you have nothing to lose and a bunch of contacts to gain and market your business. Much success.

  • Miren - Hi Money Bye Scams

    Thanks for your review on GlobalMoneyLine, Michelle!
    I’ve never heard of this program before but it looks like it may be a good opportunity to expend your business, and I think it’s great that they give you the possibility to get started for free 🙂

    All the best =)

    • Michelle

      Hello there Miren,
      Thank you for your visit. Yes, I was definitely motivated by the ‘free’ account creation/sign-up…and then stood back and watched things unfold. I am amazed at the possibilities of leads being generated and yet to come. SO excited to see how I can use these leads to help boost my business. All the best to you as well.

  • Patrick

    Hello Michelle !
    As an affiliate marketer it sounds very interesting for me at this period of time where I’m looking forward in generating more traffic on my website. I believe this is a great opportunity to invest on. I will definitely check it out and let you know what leads I’ve got as a result. Thank you for sharing this informative comment.

    • Michelle

      Hello Patrick,
      Thank you so much for stopping by. AND yes, I do believe that this will surely help anyone who is wanting leads and contacts for their business. By all means, let me know how things work out for you. Good luck.

  • Sean Thomas

    Hi Michelle,

    This looks like a great way to increase potential leads for your business. A super, comprehensive review.

    Thank you


    • Michelle

      Hello there Sean,Thanks for your visit. Thanks for taking the time out to check my review. Yes, it sure is a great way to increase potential leads for any business. As time progresses, I will give an update. Much success to you.


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