how to control the classroom

How To Control The Classroom Appropriately Being A Teacher

child writing closeup how to control the classroom

As a teacher, do you know how to control the classroom appropriately? Teaching is a hard job. It can sometimes be a thankless job depending on the results you gain, or the problems you face.

But it is an absolutely worthwhile job, in that you’ll be having a very real and tangible impact on the lives of the children you encounter.

As a teacher, do you know how to control the classroom appropriately?Click To Tweet

A bad teacher can turn off a child’s interest in a subject for some time, while a good one can always encourage a love of that subject. Of course, you’re going to encounter all manner of children, and their behavior is often a natural development dictated by many factors.

Knowing how to control the classroom is often a hard thing to get right. You likely know from your own experience in school that there are often teachers who command respect, and others who do not at all. Commanding respect is difficult however. Ruling with an iron fist can ruin how approachable you are.

But being too approachable can leave students feeling you are their friend, when really you are their designated professional and tutor. Not only are you supposed to teach them, but also to serve as an example in almost every way.

We’re sure you’re very skilled and well intentioned. This is why it’s best to give you all the tools we can to help you in this space. Controlling a classroom well could be the vital underpinning before anything else. Read more to see what this contributed article has to say.

Seating Arrangements

One of the most useful hidden tools of any teacher is an effective seating arrangement. This can be a dynamic process, because sometimes children can form friendships and encourage one another’s negative behavior should they wish to act out and impress each other.

It’s a natural part of children’s social development.

With a seating arrangement, you can ensure that your students are spaced apart relatively well, so that the best sense of social harmony is encouraged.

A good option, especially for children, is to have a ‘girl-boy, girl-boy’ seating plan. This is because while not impossible, sometimes children have a harder time relating to one another, or encouraging one another to misbehave.

But of course, a seating arrangement needn’t be a kind of punishment to stop any and all forms of ‘dissent’. It can also be an extremely worthwhile tool to help your children learn.

Flexible seating arrangements, such as bean bags, stools, chairs and other options allow for all types of learners to interface with their subjects through the lens of their natural learning style.

After all, we know that some children are visual learners, some are kinesthetic learners, and all must be accommodated to some degree. It might be worth bringing this up at the next staff meeting.

Praise & Discipline

No teacher will be able to successfully control a classroom one hundred percent of the time, nor will every child in their class like them.

That’s fine, it’s not your job to make friends with the children. But you should make them feel safe, and you should encourage an open, positive and friendly atmosphere.

This shouldn’t feel like some grim duty for both you and the children. Not only will that make your job hard to enjoy, but it can turn off some from learning for a good degree of their school experience.

This is where a healthy balance of praise and discipline can come into play.

When a child does something worthwhile, takes a risk, contributes to the lesson or tries to engage, you must shower them with praise. Write not only that they did a great job in their handed-in work, but why and how.

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Conversely, it’s important to not give an inch of acceptance to issues that occur such as speaking when politely asked to quiet down. A good measure is to have a desk at the front of the room that only misbehaving children attend, facing a wall.

It separates them from any social benefit they might gain by acting up, but separates them enough so that they do not feel humiliated by a punishment, as this can encourage a true distaste for you.

You should always encourage the ability to get better even when misbehaving. For example, let’s say a child is acting out, and shooting rubber bands at another classmate. This is not acceptable.

After confiscating the rubber bands, moving them, and checking to make sure the victimized classmate is okay (a post-class talk with them to ensure this wasn’t a direct attempt at sustained bullying is important) you might suggest something that the class can hear, such as ‘Student name, I am quite disappointed in you. You usually listen with such brilliance and you’re very smart. You’re better than this.’

This not only shows them that you are unhappy with them, and the class sees that, but that you have reinforced they can be better if they want to.

This is superior to just an abject punishment, because it provides them leeway in escaping ‘the role’ of the class clown.

Tailored in a healthy manner, broadcasting this kind of social assessment to not only them but their peers can be quite an effective measure, especially when dealing with children seeking validation.

But be sure you never veer into humiliation, aggression, or dead-end condemnation. It helps nothing, and you can escalate the discipline outside the classroom and with the faculty if this continues.

Never allowing the child to gain social credit for misdeeds is essential here.

Be Consistent

There’s nothing more harmful to a teacher’s discipline and control of a classroom than inconsistency. It might be that you praise one student for one thing such as butting in with a correct answer, while disparage another student for butting in with an incorrect one.

This might take place on separate days when you don’t connect the dots, but children will notice. It shows the child that there’s no reason for them to try and hazard an educated guess, because it could be wrong.

This is just the smallest and perhaps least harmful results of inconsistency, but you can see how this might lead to your classroom not knowing how to socially interface with you.

Be consistent in your praise and discipline. It’s important. With these tips, you’re sure one step closer in knowing how to control the classroom appropriately.

Images courtesy of Pixabay.

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