smiling keeping employee happy

Keeping Employees Happy Improves Work Productivity

smiling keeping employees happy

Photo by from Pexels

Studies have shown that keeping employees happy can lead to them being more efficient and productive than their discontented counterparts, so cultivating an enriching working environment is crucial to the success of your business. If you want to create a happier and more motivating workplace, try our top tips now.

Ask For Employee Feedback…And Listen

Give your employees the chance to provide you with feedback, and make sure you take it on board. When employees feel they’re being listened to, they instantly feel more valued. Furthermore, your members of staff are able to highlight issues you may be unaware of.

When people perform a job role day after day, they are able to identify what works and what doesn’t. Asking your employees to share their knowledge and experiences can help you to streamline business processes, directly increase productivity and improve employee satisfaction.

Not only do they ‘feel’ like a part of the ‘big picture’, but as a manager you will indeed find that this is another way of keeping employees happy in the work space.


Trust Your Staff

If you try to micro-manage your staff or assume they won’t perform well, they’ll soon become demotivated and unhappy. Conversely, showing you trust your staff will have the opposite effect.

Whilst it’s important to set attainable goals, provide clear instructions and offer assistance when it’s required, trusting your employees shows that you recognize their expertise and experience, thus leading to a more rewarding working environment.

Offer Training Opportunities

Most employees are keen to develop their career, so offering regular training and professional development opportunities will provide staff with the challenging environment they desire and help them to develop their skills further.

Industry or job-specific training programs and certifications don’t just provide your employees with job advancement opportunities, They increase your in-house expertise and skills. With employees who are certified in a number of areas, your business can perform with increased productivity.

Furthermore, when you invest in your employees, you’re likely to get their loyalty in return, and this can help you to retain staff and reduce employee turnover.

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Provide Payroll and Tax Support

Depending on the structure of your business, you may hire people on a full or part-time basis. Similarly, you may take on employees, hire remote workers or use subcontractors to conduct your business. Whatever type of structure you’re operating, providing workers with payroll and tax support can be a much-needed perk.

Helping with CIS registration, for example, will ensure your workers are fully-registered for tax and aren’t overpaying either. Furthermore, you can help your workers to obtain the appropriate insurance so that they’re protected at work. As well as providing practical support to your employers, this helps to protect your business too.

By establishing clear boundaries and differentiating between employees and subcontractors, you’ll ensure your business is operating within the law and doesn’t attract unforeseen tax liabilities.

Encourage A Good Work/Life Balance

Business operators and managers can sometimes get so preoccupied that they forget their employees have a personal life. Understanding that your staff have other priorities will certainly set you apart from other employers, and it will foster loyalty in return.

My Final Thoughts On Keeping Employees Happy Improves Work Productivity

By recognizing that your employees aren’t available 24/7 and that they need sufficient downtime, you can improve workplace health, reduce absences and create a happy working environment when it comes to keeping employees happy. The key here, is to always remember that employees are ‘people’ first before ‘workers’.

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