Finding Your Way Into The Logistics Industry

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Pexels – CC0 License

Let’s talk about the logistics industry. You might even be asking, “What on earth is logistics anyway”! Logistics is an essential element of our daily life. It’s easy to ignore this constantly moving machine if we aren’t part of it, but many of us depend on that for our survival and quality of life in the modern day.

For instance, any supermarket you perform your usual grocery shop in will be replete with products imported from other countries, delivered from afar, and ingredients that you may not find in season where you are. If it wasn’t for this highly essential system, product deliveries, consumer choice, and international purchases would all be severely impacted.

As such, you can bet that until the day AI and robot deliveries take over (which will hopefully be a little while away), logistics is a thriving career to try to enter. In this post, we’ll discuss three opportunities for finding your way into the logistics industry, potentially helping you source a career with both upward and lateral movement opportunities.

With that in mind, please consider:

Commercial Driving

Commercial drivers take up a significant role in the logistics sector because they are in charge of moving items from one place to another safely and effectively. To distribute items to customers, they use a range of vehicles, such as tractor-trailers, delivery trucks, and other vehicles. You can see CDL driver opportunities to find the potential opportunities available to you. Commercial drivers need to have a clean driving record and a current commercial driver’s license.

Fleet Managers

Fleet managers are in charge of keeping an eye on a logistics company’s complete fleet of vehicles. This involves scheduling drivers, keeping track of vehicle upkeep, and making sure that all cars are in good operating order.

Fleet managers need to be extremely well-organized and capable of leading a group of drivers. They also need to discipline drivers from time to time, such as when someone overshoots the legal working hours on the road. With the help of Fleet Management Tracking Solutions they can also plan routes, and make sure that amenities, like refueling stations, are plentiful along their drivers’ routes. This is a valuable role and is often in high demand.

Health & Safety

As the movement of goods might present risks to both workers and the general public, health and safety are of utmost importance in the logistics sector. Safety coordinators and compliance officers are among the most common health and safety professions available.

These individuals are in charge of making sure that all employees adhere to safety procedures and that the business complies with all legal requirements. These jobs call for a thorough awareness of safety laws and regulations as well as excellent interpersonal and communication abilities.

As this role is so important, you can find HSE managers everywhere, be they working at freighting dockyards, warehouses for private businesses, or even in governmental positions. Even military divisions will curate this specialism. As such, it can be quite a lucrative position to occupy.

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With this advice, we hope you can find your way into the logistics industry smoothly and capably. We’ll all have you to thank for bringing our goods to us on time.

Images courtesy of Pixabay, UnSplash, and Pexels.

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