
4 Reasons To Use CPC Advertising For Business

Here are 4 reasons to use CPC advertising for your business. Any business – online or offline – needs sales to make their business viable. There is some basic information outlined in this contributed article which might help you make a decision on improving your sales using this method.

Any#business - online or offline - needs #sales to make their business viable. Click To Tweet

CPC (cost per click) advertising, or PPC (pay per click) as it is sometimes known is vital for online business success and has become one of the main components of a digital marketing campaign.

This particular form of advertising can be underestimated by many small business owners, and as a result, they are missing out on a tremendous opportunity to grow their business and reach more people quickly and in a cost-effective manner.

There are various forms of CPC advertising – Google Ads, Facebook and Twitter ads, Bing ads, and Walmart Performance Ads being some of them, and all of these reach a massive amount of people through carefully targeting.

how to use cpc advertising typing on a laptop keyboard

What Is CPC Advertising?

As the name suggests, the advertiser only pays when someone clicks on the ad. This means that if for some unlikely reason, no one clicks on any of them you won’t be out of pocket.

Since this method of advertising came about, it has evolved, with some providers offering pricing models such as CPM (pay every so many thousand impressions) and CPA, which is when a click on an ad leads to a conversion, such as a website visit or purchase.

The whole idea behind it is that you reach your target audience quickly by using specifics as to who you want to see them. This can be done by using keywords and choosing particular demographic characteristics.

Why Should You Use CPC Advertising For Your Small Business?

1. It Is Cost Effective

As long as you are careful and specific when it comes to choosing your target audience, and you do your research, your campaigns will be profitable.

2. It Is Quick

While SEO(search engine optimization) is the best way of increasing leads and attracting potential customers to your website in the long term; in the short term, CPC is effective, and you can see results almost immediately.

It’s especially useful if you are running time-sensitive offers or events alongside social media. It is the only digital marketing tool to give you almost instant access to your target audience.

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3. Easy To See Whether Your Product Sells

You might have a lovely all singing, all dancing website, a good range of products and customer services, but if your products don’t sell, it’s all a complete waste of time. Run a campaign on a CPC website and see if attracts leads.

If it doesn’t, you can try to work out why. Perhaps your site is not as user-friendly as you thought it was, or the shipping was too expensive or would take too long. Analyze the results carefully and learn from them.

4, It Can Convert Potential Customers Into Purchasing Customers

people with shopping bags waiting

Leads in the later stages of your marketing funnel are looking to finalize purchases, so if you can attract them to your website with language such as ‘buy’, ‘get’, ‘now’, they’re more than likely to follow through with a purchase.

As you can see, if used correctly, you can use CPC advertising and the results can be very profitable for even the smallest of online businesses and budgets.

Images courtesy of Pixabay.

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2 thoughts to “4 Reasons To Use CPC Advertising For Business

  • Alan Edwards

    Hi Michelle, Thank you for clarifying the reasons to use CPC marketing, it is certainly worth considering to increase the rate of improvement of visitors to your site, Alan

    • Michelle

      Hello Alan,
      Thanks for your visit. Happy to hear that the article resonated with you. Yes, any way to bring some more customers to your business is always a good thing.
      Much success.


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