
Social Media Marketing 101: Which Platform Is For You?

In our world today, having a knowledge of social media marketing 101 will definitely make the difference in your business. Almost everyone has a mobile device and it seems to be taking over the world in droves.

So, for your business, this is a great idea as illustrated in this contributed article below.

mobile phone and social media marketing 101 icons

If you have started a business this year and you are now looking for a way to expand and be able to market your business to a much wider audience than before, you may have considered opening up some social media accounts.

#Socialmedia is seen as any type of platform which lets people communicate over the #web and allows them to share news and parts of their life to the public.Click To Tweet

Social media can be a really good tool for marketing and it allows you to stay in contact with people all over the world 24/7, but how do you know which platform to choose?

Today we are going to take a look deeper into the social media world and decide which platforms will suit you the best.

What Is Social Media?

Social media is seen as any type of platform which lets people communicate over the web and allows them to share news and parts of their life to the public.

Social media is something which every Brand marketing agency uses in their plans and it is a chance you simply can’t miss if you want to make a success out of your business this year. Here are some of the most popular social networks and how you can benefit from social media marketing 101 based on certain audiences.


Facebook is the mother of all social network and it has been a staple in the world for over a decade. Facebook is a platform which allows you to share statuses about your day and to share photos, videos and to keep up to date with the latest news around the world.

You can either create a group online for your business or a page, a page is more popular and it is a little easier for you to create. You will be able to share blog posts, photos and other content relating to your brand which will engage your audience and keep them interested.

Who Is It For?

Facebook is a social network which is used by people of all ages and it is the most popular network used by older folk. You can basically use Facebook for any company and it will always be a welcome addition to your social media arsenal no matter who your demographic is and how they enjoy being marketed to.


After Facebook, Twitter is the most popular social media platform for people to use and it is used by millions every day. Twitter is a social site which allows you to share a thought or idea publicly and then follow anyone from around the world.

You can follow your friends, favorite brands and celebrities and this can be a great way to reach a wide audience for your business as it is public to the world right away.

Who Is It For?

The main demographic of people who use Twitter on a regular basis are those from age 25-35 and it is often a mixture of bloggers and young working people who use this often every day.

If you want to market to this demographic, therefore, create an account on Twitter and start sharing posts every day using popular trending hashtags and relevant topics. You will soon catch peoples eyes and gain a loyal following online.


If you are more into visuals than writing and you fancy yourself a pretty good photographer for your brand, Instagram can be the best social media site for you. Instagram is essentially a place where you create a huge photo gallery for yourself and your followers and you can share parts of your life, your products, and other things.

This is a great tool specifically for travel companies and fashion brands as well as artists who want to show off their works in the hopes of selling it to their audience. Make sure you take a great photo every single time and you should be able to gain a good loyal following in no time.

Who Is It for?

In general, Instagram is mostly used by women between the ages of 18-30. It is so popular with women likely due to the fact you can become an Instagram model on the platform and share your experiences with products and travel easily.

To reach young women like this you need to ensure your photos are light, that they have a seasonal theme and that they have a good composition.

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Pinterest is the place where anyone can come at any time to gain inspiration on a range of different things. Not sure what to eat for dinner? Scroll through recipe ideas.

Want to decorate the house? Find interior design ideas and color palettes. Need a hairstyle for an event? Find stunning tutorials in pictures.

Pinterest is a place for creative businesses and it is somewhere ideal for a blogger, an artist or an interior design or home company to come and sell themselves. Photographs are everything on here as they are what will catch the eye.

Who Is It For?

Pinterest is mostly used by women between the ages of 25-65 and it is mostly used by mums and grandmas who want to find different crafts and home ideas as well as family recipes for the kids. If you want to market to mums you should definitely get Pinterest and make sure to share some really creative content for them to look at.


social media icons

LinkedIn is a social media site which you might not already have, but it is something which you should definitely get for both yourself and your business.

LinkedIn is for business professionals and it acts as a gaunt CV database as well as somewhere to chat with clients and keep up to date with industry news. LinkedIn is super easy to use and it is a good way to stay in touch with the business world.

Who Is It For?

If you are a company who is focused on B2B then LinkedIn is an essential social medium to have and it will allow you to share posts on your business page and news about yourself, as well as using your personal account to link up with clients and solidify a good working relationship with them all over the world. If can be a really useful tool to have.


If you are familiar with Maisie Williams who plays Arya in Game Of Thrones, you might know that this year she released a totally new social media site which is focused on artists, musicians, and writers.

This means that if you have a business as an author or a musician you can share your work on here and be seen by other creative people in the industry and hopefully be noticed by all.

Who Is It For?

This is a relatively new social site so it’s hard to say who the demographic is, but at the moment it seems to be a mix of all ages and backgrounds and it is just a huge dumping ground for amazing creatively and art.

You can spend hours looking through other people’s art and music in here and it is a great way to build a network of creatives who you can in the future collaborate with on your own projects and who can support you in your endeavors.

Social media is a huge net of platforms and there is a platform out there for anyone to benefit from. For your business make sure only to open up 1-2 social accounts to start off with as managing any more than this can be a big challenge and can be a bit too difficult.

Be sure you know what you are doing and make sure to create some really great content!Let’s see how much you learned in the social media marketing 101 class! All the best.

Images courtesy of Pixabay and Pexels.

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2 thoughts to “Social Media Marketing 101: Which Platform Is For You?

  • John

    I use Facebook, Twitter, Youtube and the new Webtalk. I do get some traffic from my Facebook efforts and it gives me a little more exposure on the web. We are always looking for more exposure when looking for traffic. I think that with the demise of Google plus, Facebook will take on a bigger role with the social market, what do you think. What are your thoughts on Youtube and Webtalk as social media markets.

    • Michelle

      Hello John,
      Food for thought indeed. I think that ultimately, any vehicle you choose to garner the traffic that any online business needs, has to be effective and reach out to the market you have in mind – your targeted audience. It has been said that Youtube is the second largest search engine, so in that respect, we also need to employ whatever means it takes to get on that ‘bandwagon’. With then new and upcoming Webtalk, it seems that it will prove to be a ‘rival’ to Facebook…however, time will tell.
      All the best.


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