Slaying the Slump! 5 Ways To Increase Workplace Energy Without Caffeine!

anonymous-man-pouring-fresh-coffee-from-glass-cup-into-pot-ways to increase workplace energy

Pexels – CC0 License

Are there ways to increase workplace energy? We all feel that lull in the workplace when we are experiencing those low energy levels, this is when we inevitably reach for those energy boosters. And while energy levels can peak and trough, there are some things that we can all benefit from incorporating, without necessarily having to reach for that cup of Joe.

Work Standing Up

If you find yourself slumped over your desk, one of the simplest things you can do is to stand up. It’s easy enough to purchase an adjustable desk so you can sit or stand as is necessary. It’s also vital to choose the right tasks that are conducive to standing up. It may take a while to get used to, but you would be better off standing up and typing as this works with your posture and will prevent major issues later in life.

Stay Away From Carbs

Lunches that are full of carbohydrates like pasta or chips cause a big spike in your blood sugar, which will leave you feeling tired. Instead, think about energy-boosting foods that will keep you feeling fuller and have a low Glycaemic Index. Good fats such as those found in salmon and avocados as well as complex carbohydrates like wheat bread and brown rice will keep your energy levels consistent.

Listen to Your Favorite Music

When you’ve got a major task to complete, sometimes knuckling down with your favorite music in your headphones can do a lot for your energy levels and your productivity. Depending on the work you do, you may want to choose the music you love or pick something that has a faster tempo. Something like metal music is not necessarily everybody’s cup of tea, but when you are on the clock and have to work fast, just having an undercurrent of something at 120 beats per minute can do a lot for your productivity!

Walk Around

Walking around is a very popular thing with entrepreneurs. In fact, a lot of people are now squeezing in “walking meetings” and are taking a stroll around the block while having a conversation on their phones. You can benefit from a walk during your lunch break to keep you energized for the rest of the afternoon because the increased heart rates and blood flow will improve your mood and your energy for some time afterward, which has a positive effect on other aspects of your life as well. For example, you may end up making healthier choices for your dinner!


When we are in work mode, we may find ourselves being all too serious. Loosen up the hinges and remember the benefits of laughing! If you really want to increase your energy levels, laughing is just a simple thing that boosts morale and productivity.

The very notion of business productivity can be a hard thing to pinpoint. And therefore, we need to look at workplace energy levels. There is no one-size-fits-all practice, but if you are finding yourself slumping or struggling, some of these things could make a big difference.

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Images courtesy of Pixabay, UnSplash, and Pexels.

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