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Welcome New Hires The Way You Want To Be Received

How do you welcome new hires in your company? Bringing some new hires into your company can be quite a nerve-wracking experience, for both you and them.

They will be nervous as they won’t know anyone in the company yet and will be hoping that they fit into the current office culture. Not only that, though, but they might be wondering about the exact kind of day to day tasks that will await them.

Another way to help your new hires to settle into your company and office is to start up a buddy program.Click To Tweet

You might also be worrying about how well your new hires will fit in. After all, you don’t want to find out that you have hired the wrong kind of people for the job.

One way you can break the ice – welcome new hires – and make sure that some of the nerves disappear on the new hires’ first day is to ensure that you and the rest of the company give them a very warm welcome.

This will put all the new hires at ease, as they won’t be pushed right into the deep end from day one. It also gives you the chance to run through the company with them and explain how the ropes work.

office meeting employees at a table looking at a demonstration to welcome new hires

If you don’t already provide your new hires with a warm welcome on their very first day and throughout their first week with your company, it’s really important that you start doing so.

This will help them settle in a lot quicker, which should help their productivity increase rapidly. Here are a few ways you can give them the warm welcome that you would want to receive in this contributed article below.

Warn Current Employees

First of all, it’s important that you warn current employees which day the new hires will be starting. They will then know to expect a lot of new faces in the office that day.

It also means that they will be on their best behavior and will be able to start setting the new hires a great example right from day one.

Plus, your current employees might not be so confused if someone who they don’t recognize asks them where the toilets are!


Have A Welcome Breakfast

You don’t want to start off your new hires with any work straight away. They could be very nervous, and making them do some proper work could only make them more tense!

It’s a good idea to start their first day with an informal welcome breakfast. This gives everyone the chance to meet all the other new hires who are starting on the same day.

When they are introduced, they will all be a lot more likely to relax as they will realize that there are other people in the same boat as them – a good way to welcome new hires!

Plus, this gives you the chance to give them a quick rundown of how the rest of the day will go.

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Give Them Thorough Onboard Training

It is essential that you provide all of your new hires with very thorough and complete onboard training. There are two types of onboarding training that they will really benefit from:

  • training that takes them through the whole company and how it operates,
  • and more on-the-job based training that focuses on their individual role within their team or department.

All of this training should help show them exactly how things are done in the company and who they should reach out to about specific problems that they might encounter.

The more on-the-job focused training will give them a better idea of what a regular day at work will be like for them.

Provide Them With An Employee Handbook

Every single employee in your company should have a copy of your employee handbook. This isn’t something that should be reserved only for new hires. But it’s important that you do hand these books out to your new hires on their first day.

Of course, it doesn’t have to be a whole book, you could just bind a few pages together using your office’s binding equipment. No matter how you produce your employee handbook, though, it’s important that everyone has access to one.

This book will be their first point of call if they have any questions that need to be answered.

It should also have a quick rundown of all the managerial staff within the company, so they have an idea of the hierarchy and who the best manager to reach out to in certain situations would be.

The handbook should also give them information on what to do in the event of an accident or emergency.


Introduce The CEO

Most company’s CEO can be quite elusive. Even though your new hires might have an idea of what yours looks like, it’s still a good idea to arrange a time when the CEO can come and meet them in the flesh.

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This helps your CEO to put a face to all the new hires, so they will then know who these new people are in the office. It also gives the CEO the chance to make a short speech if they want, in which they can outline the company’s core values and principles.

I’m sure that all the new hires will really appreciate this warm welcome from the most senior individual in the whole of the company coming to personally greet them.

Give Them Some Company Merchandise

Another good gesture that more and more companies are now starting to do is to provide their new hires with some company merchandise. These can be freebies that the employees can keep and use throughout their time with the company.

For instance, you might want to gift them a cool t-shirt that features your company logo. Some other nice branded merchandise that you can gift your new hires include mouse mats, stationery, and reusable water bottles.


Start A Buddy Program

Another way to help your new hires to settle into your company and office is to start up a buddy program. This is when you pair up one of your current employees with one of the new hires.

This serves several purposes, but one of the main advantages of these kinds of programs is that it gives your new hire someone who they can go to whenever they have any problems or questions that need answering.

It’s usually best if the new hire’s buddy is someone who works in the same department or team as them, because then they will know the answers to most of their job-related questions.

Take Them On A Tour Of The Office

One of the main things that many new hires to any company worry about is getting lost in the office. If the office is fairly large and made up from a number of rooms, this could be quite a big problem.

Even though it may not seem like such a huge issue on the face of it, it is something that could leave new hires quite embarrassed.

So, on their first day, be sure to take them on a quick tour of the office. Show them where the different teams work, as well as where the bathrooms and office kitchen are. This also gives you the chance to introduce them all to the other employees.


Give Them A Short To-Do List For Their First Day

You don’t want to make your new hires too busy on their first day, as this may feel like you’ve pushed them into the deep end. At the same time, though, you don’t want them to get bored.

It’s a good idea to give them a very short to-do list for when they get to their desk. This should be made up with some simple tasks that aren’t going to be too difficult for them to do.

It will be an easy introduction to their new work, but not so taxing that they worry that they will be out of their depth in the new job!

Set Team Meetings

Don’t forget to arrange some team meetings for the new hires’ first day. You should get each department to have a meeting so that the new hires can be introduced to everyone who they will be working with on a daily basis from now on.

It’s also their first chance to meet with their head of department so that they know who will be supervising them.


Let Them Give You Feedback

You need to know that your new hires’ first week has gone well, so it’s worth asking them to provide you with any feedback that they might have at the end of the first week.

You can ask them for some face-to-face feedback or, if you think they will be more honest giving feedback anonymously, then you could get them to fill out a questionnaire.

Enjoy Drinks Together At The End Of The Week

It’s always a good idea to encourage all of your employees to socialize with one another as this can help improve teamwork in the office.

So, why not organize some drinks for everyone at the end of the first week? Organizing some office drinks in this way will give your employees the chance to hang out together.

Good luck as you welcoming your new hires and help them to be valuable employees!

Images courtesy of Pixabay and Pexels.

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