Women And International Women’s Day!
Let’s talk about women and international women’s day! Do we really need a day to commemorate women? Shouldn’t a woman be commemorated every day? Don’t misunderstand me, I am a woman and I am happy that each year there is a worldwide recognition of ‘woman’s existence’, however, why do we need to do this?
In this contributed article, it takes a look at whether we need to focus on women and international women’s day vs honouring women from all walks of life, every day!
Why You Don’t Need An International Women’s Day
On March 8, the International Women’s Day’s party took social media and shops by force. Women all over the world opened up about gender gap pay issues, education troubles and ultimately feeling that they were not always been given the same chances than men. Gestures of support, kindness, and even gender gratitude appeared all over the media.
Simultaneously, shops recorded a peak in flowers and chocolate purchase, revealing that everywhere husbands, fathers, boyfriends, friends, brothers, uncles, co-workers and many others had joined the movement of support for the women. But can the positivity of March 8 empower you to do better with your life?
Female pilot in the US military
The Girl Boss Knows She Can
For a lot of women, the idea of becoming an entrepreneur can seem preposterous. Indeed, it can be tricky to feel inspired by the powerful female entrepreneurs you know of, such as Oprah or even Sara Blakely. After all, these women are extraordinary, and you might feel like they are cut out of a precious gem compared to you.
In reality, becoming a successful boss doesn’t have to be an unachievable dream. You can read here for more insight into the most valuable qualities of female entrepreneurs. Passion, dedication and positivity are some of the most important attributes they have in common.
So what is stopping you?
You Can Be Respected Without Being A B*tch
If you’re concerned that a male entrepreneur can be perceived as strong-willed and determined while a woman might be described negatively for exhibiting the same values, then you need to change your stance on co-worker relationships.
Being at the head of a team doesn’t make you a b*tch. It’s the inability to motivate your team that creates this impression. Remember that you don’t need to prove your worth by crushing people. Empowering co-workers and working together towards clear goals will achieve better results for your reputation and your business.
Yes, You Have Emotions, Everyone Does!
There is a common saying that originates from old days: ‘You should leave your emotions at the door’. In reality, it is impossible to work effectively without bringing your emotions into the workplace.
Motivation, passion, inspiration, creativity are driven by emotions. While you want to manage negative emotions, it doesn’t mean you should reject any form of feelings. The ability to develop your emotional intelligence is part of what makes a person a great leader.
So, as a woman, you shouldn’t fear your emotions but embrace them!
Stop Fighting The Gender War!
Ultimately, the debate opposing women and men is outdated.
Genders shouldn’t matter anymore. Even the introduction of a women’s day continues to support the gender segregation that tears our society apart. It’s time to walk away and stand for people’s rights.
If all people receive the respect they are due, gender problems become irrelevant.
In other words, we should stop trying to define ourselves as belonging to one or the other gender category. People need to prove what they can do for themselves once and for all.
This Norwegian male midwife proves clichés are obsolete
So how do you feel about doing what you want and achieving your goals without letting your gender be an obstacle? Maybe, it’s time to accept that you are more than a woman.
You are a person with passions, skills, abilities and creativity, and these elements will always define you a lot better and deeper than your gender.
My Final Thoughts On Women And International Women’s Day
As women, we need to be courageous on our individual account, without allowing our gender to define our worth. We need to be confident and move with stealth throughout our journey in life. No one should have the need to be validated based on their gender.
Women and International Women’s Day should only be a symbol of what women can achieve on a daily basis and proudly show recognition for deeds done all the time.
Images courtesy of Pixabay and Pexels.
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