Noticing These Things? It Could Be Your Alcohol Intake

Most of us enjoy a drink to relax, but with just over a quarter of American adults reporting binge drinking in the past month, it’s clear that alcohol intake is becoming a problem for a lot of us. But how can you tell if your alcohol intake is a problem?

alcohol intake bottles lines up horizontally black and white colors

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If you match all these signs and are worried about your drinking habits, you should seek help from a professional, like your Doctor or an inpatient drug rehab.

Take a look at your current drinking behavior

How often do you drink? How many drinks do you have when you drink? Try to have a few alcohol-free days each week, and don’t spread out your drinking by having a drink every night. If you are already having alcohol-free days, but tend to drink to excess when you do drink, this is an issue to worry about too. If you often drink more than 14 units a week, you could have a problem.

Why do you drink? It’s completely normal and nothing to worry about if you enjoy a beer with friends on the weekend, or unwind with a glass of wine after work with your colleagues occasionally. However, if you notice that you need to drink to feel relaxed or confident in social situations, or you want to drink when you feel sad, this could be a concern. If you need to drink on a night out to enjoy yourself, you should take a hard look at your relationship with alcohol. Find healthier ways to manage your stress instead of drinking.

Are you getting drunk?

If you often drink, you’ll end up finding that you have to drink more to feel drunk as your alcohol tolerance will have gotten higher. This is dangerous, as it can make you feel that the alcohol isn’t doing anything to you. Even if you aren’t feeling the drink, your health will be damaged anyway.

Know what it really means to be alcohol dependent

Most of us think that being dependent on alcohol means that you drink to excess all the time, or that you need a drink to get you out of bed in the morning. This isn’t the only way to rely on alcohol though. If you use alcohol to feel confident, happy, or fun, and can’t imagine going for a night out without alcohol, this is a good sign that you’re alcohol dependent.

Do you binge drink? Binge drinking is common, but a real problem. Binge drinking is defined as drinking with the intent to get drunk or drinking excessively in a short period of time. If you do this as part of your regular social life, you should think about taking action to drink less.

Drinking too much is dangerous. Alcohol impairs your judgment and lowers your inhibitions, which could lead to poor decision-making. Abusing alcohol also increases your risk of weight gain, cancer, strokes, heart and liver disease, and damaging your nervous system. Set yourself the challenge to cut back or cut out drinking altogether.

Images courtesy of Pixabay, UnSplash, and Pexels.

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Photo by ThisIsEngineering from Pexels

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