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How Your Attitude Towards Your Goals Will Determine Your Next 12 Months

Food for thought – what is your attitude towards your goals? Will it help or hinder the progress and inevitable success of any business venture or anything for that matter that you start?

Food for thought - what is your #attitude towards your #goals? Will it help or hinder the #progress and inevitable success of any business venture or anything for that matter that you start?Click To Tweet

If you have been thinking about last year and would like to make a positive change, you will need to focus on areas in your life that need the most attention.

For most of us, it is relationships causing trouble during the holidays, however, overspending can also make you think about how you manage your finances and how you could make the most out of your income and investments.

Below you will find a few tips on how to set manageable goals for the next 12 months and see if you are all set when it comes to the subject about your attitude towards your goals.

remember your goals written on a notepad your attitude towards your goals

Money Goals

First, you will need to think about your attitude toward money and spending. In case you overspent during the Christmas period, you might want to start saving up for next year.

In case you are planning a new holiday and are still paying for last year’s, it might be time to break the vicious cycle and change your attitude toward spending to start saving up for predictable expenses to stay out of debt.


Some of us are also unhappy with our relationships and would like to improve our lifestyle. If you feel like your partner is not letting you be yourself, or you have just discovered signs of abusive behavior, you might need to break free to achieve your full potential. You will also have to think about the people you call friends and find out whether or not they are really behind you a hundred percent.


As you get older, your health will become more important for you. Instead of thinking short term, you will consider the impact of your lifestyle on your well being, and make conscious decisions to improve your body. You don’t need New Year’s Resolutions to start a healthier routine; small changes can make a big difference.


For many, improving one’s career is important for achieving their goals. If you think that you are ready for a promotion or would like to take on internal training, you will have to create a plan. To achieve your goals, it is important that you get some clarity in your life.

Check out the blog of Craig Beck to get help finding a purpose in your life. Whether you would like to retire early, make a change in communities’ lives, or raise smart kids, you have to lead by example.

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Self Development


It is also crucial that you develop yourself to become the best at what takes you closer to your goals. Whether you would like to take on meditation or deal with past issues that are holding you back from starting a better future, you will need to do a bit of soul-searching.

Reading and listening to podcasts in your free time will also help you reflect on your strengths and weaknesses and identify the best opportunities.

Setting smart goals for the next 12 months is challenging for many. You will need to first see clearly about what you have done well in the past and what your main development areas are.

Yes, you (and everyone as well) need(s) to examine your(their) attitude towards your(their) goals – it is just a way to ensure that you stay motivated and also a checkpoint for your progress.

Images courtesy of Pixabay.

You can put your thoughts on paper but learning how to build your own blog is something different. If you have the right training it is not that difficult – it has a lot to do with your attitude towards your goals as well.

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4 thoughts to “How Your Attitude Towards Your Goals Will Determine Your Next 12 Months!


    HI Michelle, I agree that your goals should drive all of your own and your team´s actions for the whole of the year, from strategic decisions to day by day and hour by hour actions. Alan

    • Michelle

      Hello Alan,
      Yes, you are so right…your mindset is everything and the sooner you make the commitment to make a difference in your circumstances, the better will be your payoff! All the best and much success, Alan.

  • Suzanne

    Hi Michelle,
    I agree with you. Setting goals and having the right attitudes is the only way to succeed.
    Personally, I find that my health makes a big difference, so exercising and eating right are important.
    I wish you all the best for 2019,

    • Michelle

      Hello Suzanne,
      Happy new year…and much success for 2019. Yes, it is all about the mindset and goal-setting. You have to take responsibility for you and the things you choose to do. And yes, without your health, you have nothing…so yes, this is key in itself. Making a commitment to yourself on all levels is the best thing you can do for yourself.
      All the best.


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