50% of small businesses are home-based


50% of small businesses are home-based


Running a business from home is the dream for more and more movers and shakers; those that dream of being their own boss because they want to lead a life where effort gets directly rewarded, not where someone else’s perception of you matters most. It makes sense, right? It’s why so many small businesses are cropping up nowadays. But you probably didn’t know that over 50% of small businesses are in fact home-based enterprises; odds that suggest you could indeed make the leap yourself – odds that could give you the strength to do it.

But before you get ahead of yourself, there are some things that are well-worth knowing if you want your pipedreams to become a longstanding reality.

So, without further ado, here are some tidbits of advice to help you start on the right foot:

1. Create a workspace that you feel good being in. It could be a desk in the corner that is separated from the rest of the living room with a rug and an overhead light or it could be that space where you build an office in your garden as long as it’s comfortable and promotes productivity, the rest will follow.

2. Keep costs down to the bare minimum. One of the most common misconceptions is to do with profits. People think they will get rich by making money, but the secret is how you spend it. It’s about how much you keep. So, before you start spending frivolously, check yourself. Make sure you really need the additional expense.

3. Just because you are a work-from-home solopreneur does not mean you can’t create a team. In fact, we implore you to do so. Hire a virtual assistant that can help with admin jobs, use managed IT services to ensure you have the ability to scale, outsource a tax advisor and build a relationship with an experienced creative copywriter. Doing it alone is rarely a recipe for success.

4. Set aside time to work on your business. As a one-person start-up, it can be all too easy to get caught up in your business, focusing on your products and delivering your services without giving any time to growth and marketing, your visions for the future and your strategies for how you will get there. It is giving thought to the processes that will make your life easier.

5. Find ways to look professional and, if it suits the kind of clients you are after, ways to look bigger than you really are. It is using the fact ‘perception is reality’ in your favor. If you have meetings, hire a meeting space. When you invoice, start at a high number to give off the impression you’ve billed tons of people. Avoid using CEO on your business card or email if you are going to pick up the phone every time it rings. It is little things like this.

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6. Do not underestimate just how important branding is. This is the identity your business will hold; it’s what people will look at and associate with you. That means getting your message across clearly and concisely, while simultaneously connecting with your target audience on an emotional level and showing the value that you have to convey!

My Final Thoughts

50% of small businesses are home-based

In any decision-making process, it is not always easy to ‘just do it already’! You need to do your due diligence and enough research until you are comfortable in your skin. Starting a home-based business is a very important decision – in fact, it will prove to be a life-changing once for you in more ways than one. But ultimately, you choose this option because you want that change.

One thing you should keep at the forefront of your thoughts is this – whatever you decide, be confident in the choice. Make the commitment and be consistent. There will be teething pains so do not get side-tracked or disappointed when things do not always go in the direction that you choose. There will be ‘bumps along the way’ – they will prove to be a source of experience for the future undertaking, so take heart.

I hope you found this contributed article useful and a source of encouragement. You can do anything you set your mind to and that you take action on. All ideas start in the mind but it is their execution that makes them a reality and a display of success.

What will you do now?

I would love your feedback and also hear your success story.


Image courtesy of Pexels.

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