Global SEO And Your Business When It Comes To Myths!
It is the dream of every business to grow and to branch out into international territory. As a business owner, you most likely will inevitably think about global SEO and your business.
Are there any truths or myths to be concerned about? What is it that needs to be done in order to make your mark internationally when it comes to SEO?
Take a look at this contributed article and see if you are familiar with any of the more common myths about global SEO and your business.
Common Myths About Global SEO
Nowadays, businesses are competing on a global scale. Thanks to the Internet, you can reach more potential customers than ever before. However, at the same time, customers can reach more businesses than ever before, and so competition is fierce.
To stand out from the crowd, you’ll need an effective international search engine optimization strategy. In this blog post, we will take a look at some of the most common myths about global SEO.
I Need A Local Server To Host My Global Content
A lot of website owners still believe that they require local servers if they are going to rank well abroad. This is because search engines like Bing and Google have stated that local servers are a vital ranking factor for global online presence in the past. Nevertheless, recently Google has confirmed that local server signals are not as crucial as they once used to be.
I Can Use Automated Translations
If you believe this myth, it could end up destroying your international search engine ranking. Automated translations will never be able to provide you with a fully accurate transcript in another language. They can be off-putting and inaccurate, which will, in turn, damage the ranking of your website.
Google and other search engines are looking for high-quality content that is impeccably written. If you want to improve your rankings on an international scale, you need to make sure that your localization efforts are of an exceptional standard.
If you do not have the budget to get all of your web pages professionally translated, then make sure you focus on the most important content and get these translated first.
You Don’t Need A Professional Service To Rank Your Website Well Internationally
A lot of business owners assume that they do not need to spend money on developing their international marketing campaign. This is because they have seen other companies in the industry that have targeted international markets and so they assume that they can simply copy what these businesses have done.
However, such businesses do not always get it right, and simply copying their SEO approach is not going to get you very far. Discover how a professional service can ensure that your site is structured the correct way for the market you are targeting so that you can experience the best results.
I Need To Have Numerous Websites If I Am To Rank Globally
Last but not least, a lot of business owners assume that they are going to need to have multiple websites for their international content. Nevertheless, you can rank your website in multiple locations around the world.
You don’t actually need to create a number of sub domains or websites if you are to rank well on a global scale. A lot of times, you can actually work within the confines of your existing domain.
So there you have it: some of the most common myths about global SEO and your business today! You can stop believing them now!
Images courtesy of Pixabay and Pexels.
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6 thoughts to “Global SEO And Your Business When It Comes To Myths!”
Hello Michelle, well this was truly an informative article. And I know for one I have been really discouraged at times at how hard translations are! It so makes sense in a world that is now so wonderfully connected that we can interface and hear each other without dilemma. And that our business is easily transportable.
Thanks for a great article with useful information.
in peace and gratitude, ariel
Hello Ariel,
Thnx for your visit and your thoughts. Yes, technology seems to have opened up ‘many doors in our world.’We just need to remember to keep the balance between business and the personal/home space in check so neither boundary is compromised.
Hi Michelle, I am a bit back and forth when it comes to the multiple websites – but I am more thinking of different sites per niche or just breaking up the content on one site into niche categories. Thank you for myth busting article.
Hello Tara,
Thanks for your visit. Glad you found value in the article. Yes, we do have a few options, however, ultimately, it is the value that you give your readers in whatever niche you choose.
This is a topic I have not caught up on! You point out issues that need considering.
There’s always more to learn about SEO isn’t there?
Even with a small business it’s good to be aware of everything involved with SEO.
Hello there Dianne,
Thanks for your visit. Yes, you are so right. The size of your business does not matter. You just need to ensure that the opportunity exists for your business to go to the next level – anywhere in the world. All the best.