[List]Common Website Problems & How To Avoid Them

When you are setting up a website for your business, you obviously want to make sure that you are going to be as happy with it as possible. There are a lot of things that you can think about in that regard, and as long as you are aware of the more common website problems, you should find that you can easily make your website a lot better. Let’s look at some of the most common website problems around and how to avoid them altogether for your own website. You’ll be glad to have sorted out these issues.

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Slow Loading Time

One of the most common website problems of all is when there are slow loading times. Sometimes this can be so bad that the page doesn’t even load at all. If you are having this trouble with your site, it’s all about reducing the load on the pages – in other words, removing as much of the high-usage things your page has and keeping it simpler. The better you do that, the more likely it is that your pages will load in good time – and that will keep people looking at it much more of the time too.

DNS Hijacking

This is an increasingly big concern for businesses everywhere, and it can cause a lot of stress for you as well as confusion for your customers and visitors. You might not have heard of DNS hijacking before, but you have probably seen it in action. This is where typing in a URL takes you to a completely different page than you expected. It might be done to cause some serious harm to your user’s computers, or just to shock. In any case, you need to learn how to detect DNS hijacking so that you can make sure you avoid it at all costs.


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Over-Stuffed Keywords

If you are trying to boost your SEO, at some point or another you are probably thinking about including and incorporating keywords into your copy. While that is a really effective and important thing to do, it is also important to make sure that you are not doing it too much. If you end up stuffing keywords in so that they don’t seem natural, you will find that your website is going to be a lot less readable – and that will actually work against what you are trying to achieve. So make sure not to fall into that all-too-common trap.

Poor Internal Linking

Finally, make sure that you are taking a good look at all of your internal links so that you can avoid this particular problem too. When there is poor internal linking, it tends to mean that you are going to have a site where nothing seems to go together, and that can really be something of a problem. All in all, it’s the kind of thing that can be very difficult to get right, but it just takes some attention to detail and you should be able to improve it considerably. Make sure that you do so.

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Images courtesy of Pixabay, UnSplash, and Pexels.

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