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How To Define Effective Leadership Qualities In A Resume

effective leadership qualitiesYes, it is a good question – just how do you define effective leadership qualities in a resume? If you’re someone that recently entered into a new career field in your 30s onward and have been successful, how do you show this in a resume?

Companies don’t just want leaders that can lead their teams to get results, they want leaders that can create more leaders. Click To Tweet

It sounds simple but actually, the main thing you’re up against is other younger leaders that have been in leadership roles almost all their professional life and showcasing their effective leadership qualities.

In a sense, you’re actually playing catch up now since you are developing a path to a senior position or a more senior position.

For example, you could be 35 and after having children you are finally back at work full time. In a year or maybe two, you rose up to a supervisor position. Yet, the norm in the working world is that by now, you would be a manager instead.

So how can you display that you would have already been a manager just by the qualities and skills you have? By clearly defining your leadership qualities, you can help someone who is looking to hire with seeing only the best of what you have to offer.

Express Your Nurturing

Companies don’t just want leaders that can lead their teams to get results, they want leaders that can create more leaders. One thing you have on your side that a younger applicant perhaps doesn’t is life experience.

Work these days is fast and complex. But people are not robots, they have personal lives and with that, personal issues. Express clearly in your resume that you have the ability to understand how pressures outside of work can impact the performance of workers at their desks.

It’s best to have something solid to back this claim up if it’s ever challenged in the interview. Therefore, you should state something like ‘working with HR to improve employee satisfaction’.

This clearly states you have the ability to work with different departments and to also improve staff morale which can lead to better productivity.

Be Industry Specific

If you’re a woman in her 40s or above, you might have worked in many industries throughout your professional life thus far. To get all the skills and job descriptions down in your resume is a challenge in itself because you need to be compact and concise.

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Using industry specific CV templates you can cut to the chase and make a clear indication of what kind of experience you have. There are over 169 free templates to choose from so almost every single industry and job role is covered.

There are also samples for you to pick through to get an idea of the kind of structuring benefits you have with certain industry specific templates.

Since you do have a wealth of experience, getting right to the point with what you offer is paramount. Companies looking to hire don’t want to hear a life story, they want to see that you are familiar with their industry and your resume should exude the kind of culture they are in.

One way to get ahead of younger talented leaders, is to include your life experience in your resume but do so in a professional sense.

Companies can tell immediately who is familiar with their industry culture and thus probably a senior just by looking at how a resume is structured, can see your effective leadership qualities.

Images courtesy of Pixabay.

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