
How To Grow Your Freelance Business!

Knowing how to grow your freelance business can be ‘an ace in the pocket’ if you play your cards right! It will not be easy, however, it will turn out to be a very rewarding experience along the way.

In this contributed article, you will find great advice and tips to show you how you can grow your freelance business from step one. Read on.

The utter joy of managing a business from your home or other none-office based place is one that not much can rival. It is hands-on and entirely under your control. However, when it comes to expansion and getting things done on a larger scale – it isn’t always easy to do by yourself. There are a few things that can help you manage the step ups and get you on the right track for saying yes to larger projects.

Consider A VA

Virtual Assistants are your go-to person. Once you manage to find one that works with you, not just for you, then you may be able to forge a real long-term business relationship. This one tool can certainly be a great one in using when thinking about how to grow your freelance business.

One of the first perks you will get from a VA is the ability to double up your day to day tasks. You can achieve more in less time. There are a few things to think about before you jump head first into finding your partner in crime:

  • Be picky – This might not be the first time you have hired someone, it might not be the last, but be as picky about your VA as possible. After all, they will be your go-to person for some of the most significant moments to come in your business.
  • Be Clear – what tasks could you give to someone else and free up time in your day?
    • SEO tasks
    • Schedule Management
    • Managing Social Media
    • Data Entry
    • Research
    • Personal Online Purchase Errands
    • Copywriting
    • Being a Sounding board

Having a good VA will give you the opportunity to work on your business more, and concentrate on growth.

Social Media Scheduling

how to grow your freelance business with social media

Many people who are just starting out or even years in still don’t take advantage of the many online platforms that enable you to manage your entire social media platform selection for a yearly or monthly cost. The time you can save by setting up something like Buffer, HootSuite or SproutSocial to name a few.

A few short hours per month, spent by you or your VA and you can have months of content ready in advance. You can curate feeds to be talking directly to the audience that has followed you, and post live and static content as you wish.

Time-saving and a great idea to have a system set up. And knowing how social media seems to be taking the world by storm, knowing how to do this as a marketing tool is another tip on how to grow your freelance business. Stick to the guideline of each social media platform, and you will never have an issue with social media scheduling.


Say what now?

Almost all businesses rely heavily on technology for communication, delivering work or providing services, in fact, more and more start-ups are dipping into the innovative world of tech every year.

However, that also means you need to have your IT department up to the task of delivering. It can be hard to give the appearance of a slightly larger company, which is something many people look for when hiring for specific jobs. One of the neat ways to do this is to hire a managed service provider, to take care of things like:

•    24×7 helpdesk, allowing your clients to call and get IT support anytime

•    Cyber Security

•    Project Management – with managed IT services it can be possible to let them handle an entire IT project.

Many also offer technology assessments and action plans. Worth the investment for long-term growth.

IT services help to grow your freelance business


Use Freelancers

As a freelancer yourself, you understand some of the challenges that come with working this way, but you also know that the possible talent pool is global. You can hire a freelancer for spot work, small projects that need the attention of an expert (and let’s face it) at a snip of the cost.

While you should always aim to pay well, many freelancers don’t come with the overheads of small companies and are usually cheaper – with a more one-to-one client feel.

Launch a UK website today!

It is easier than ever to call China in the middle of the night via Skype or drop an email with a task list over to your designer in the UK. Some quick tips for keeping the relationship working well:

•    Write a clear list of what you need to be done and the skills you need to do it – you’ll know precisely how many freelancers you will need then

•    Keep the tasks relevant to their skill set

•    Be consistent with your communication. Freelance relationships take a little more care because you aren’t face-to-face – but they are worth looking into.

•    Get a robust interview process in place and don’t be afraid to test it out. If you are more comfortable talking to someone via video chat before hiring, then try and stick to that.

•    Write your vision and direction down. Have this clear and concise so that you can talk about the direction you are intending to take the business, how you see that freelancer fitting in and will give them an insight into who you are and what you want. Ultimately being able to work better with you and perform highly for you.

Remember that working with freelancers isn’t always as straightforward as an employee and employer relationship, it is more like working in a team – and that can be comforting when things get tough.

Don’t Skimp On Accounting

accounting services to improve your freelance business

Accounting is something that everyone who is setting up their businesses will need to decide how to manage. Many manage their accounts via software like QuickBooks, Xero, Sage, and FreeAgent – some, however, aren’t comfortable doing that. Hiring the right accountant is going to be something worth the money.

If you aren’t already in online freelance support groups, it might be worth joining some and asking for recommendations. Use the tips in ‘Use Freelancers’ to hire yourself a fabulous Accountant if you decide that is the best way to manage your business finances.

Growing your business from a one-person show to multiple clients, more significant projects and even hiring ad-hoc staff is a great and exciting place to be. Make sure you lay solid foundations by planning well, and you’re all set for a fantastic few years.

My Final Thoughts On How To Grow Your Freelance Business

Like most things in life, you will only know how good you are or can be – by trying. However, knowing how to grow your freelance business using these tips will certainly give you a great headstart. All the best.

Images courtesy of Pixabay, Kaboompics, and Pexels.

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6 thoughts to “How To Grow Your Freelance Business!

  • Fred

    Good information and very helpful. I don’t use a virtual assistant, but think it would be nice to have one. Getting help writing would be a big plus and posting to social media would open up a great lot of time. Give me more freedom and release some of the pressure involved with trying to get everything done each day. Great article.

    • Michelle

      Hello there Fred,
      Thanks for visiting. Yes, you can certainly double up on your time management when you outsource. I wish you much success in your business and I hope that if an when you explore this option, it works well for you.

  • Lisa

    I think having a VA (Virtual Assistant) is a great idea. You said “one of the first perks you will get from a VA is the ability to double up your day to day tasks” That definitely is a plus for me. I could achieve more in less time. When you are running a business, time is a valuable. Thanks for your insightful post..

    • Michelle

      Hello Lisa,
      Thanks for your visit. Glad you found the information helpful. Yes, I plan to use VAs in the coming future as my business takes on a ‘big’ life on its own. All the best to you and your business.

  • Annie Collyer

    Hi Michelle,
    What a great to-do list to go through in setting up your business. I appreciate it. It is good to check against as my business grows. I have used VA’s before in other businesses, and your points about clarity and being sure about who you hire and what you want them to do are very valid.


    • Michelle

      Hello Annie,
      Thanks for visiting. I am glad that you found the information helpful. Yes, we can always use tips and tricks to help us on our journey. All the best to you.


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