[List] Customer Data Management Tips & Getting Customer Data

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Pixabay – CC0 Licence

Have you ever wondered about customer data management and the best way to obtain customer data? By now, business owners and entrepreneurs know that customer data is one of the single most important features of success.

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Implementing data retention tactics is essential; however, it’s not as simple as clicking your fingers and proclaiming that you’re now the king of customer information. Aside from locating it, you also have to secure it in the most pleasing way possible as consumers are protective over their data.

Here are four powerful ways to get the job done when it comes to customer data management.

Ask Them

The scandal involving Facebook and Cambridge Analytica has made the whole world aware of the importance of personal information. Previously, shoppers wouldn’t think twice about handing over an email address.

Now, most people check the cookie strategy of websites before clicking on a landing page. This may make you think that asking for data is a no-go area. In reality, Leighton Interactive points out that 65% of consumers are willing to swap their data for a more personalized experience.

This is because personalization allows you to show them targeted products and services, eliminating the need for them to waste energy.

Craft Online Forms

There is good news for those of you who assume that collecting customer data is time and energy-consuming – your site will do the heavy lifting. All you need is a partner who builds online forms.

At ContactBoss, data collection is integrated into your website so that inquiries equal a boost in contacts. A tip – try to avoid registrations. Yes, a sign-up is a solid conversion, yet it’s unnecessary in the eyes of shoppers.

They’d much rather sign-in as a guest, input a few essential pieces of info, and continue to the checkout.

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Touch Base On Social Media

Social media is a vat of customer data. Users with accounts are willing to put everything from their names and addresses to their favorite food. And, many of the profiles are public, which means you can lift the information without asking for permission. Still, you can’t send them a text or an email because that would be weird.

Instead, you can touch base on Twitter, Instagram, or LinkedIn. Following them will encourage them to return the favor and become more familiar with the brand. Then, you can start sliding into their DMs. You must reach people on their terms to get the best results. This is one proven skill when it comes to customer data management and one that pays off nicely.

Remember Current Customers

Just because you have current customers doesn’t mean that you are reaching them with targeted marketing. The average person will change their phone number more than five times in a lifetime. Plus, you should factor in this fact by Invesp Cro – it’s seven times more expensive to obtain new customers.

With that in mind, it’s vital that you remember to refresh your data banks. Getting them to change their contact details is cheaper and easier than wasting tons of energy and money on new leads.

How do you snag customers’ details?What do you do when it comes to customer data management tips?

Images courtesy of Pixabay, UnSplash and Pexels.

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