How To Give Your Products Some Visual Standout Appeal

Knowing how to give your products some visual standout appeal is a prerequisite for any business’s success. You want to get customers interested in your products. Many of the ways to do just that will involve things like marketing campaigns, using positive social proof, and making sure it has strong branding.

However, the product itself, as in the physical object, can have plenty of visual appeal. If you think yours is a little on the bland side, here are a few ways you can spice things up.

visual standout appeal narcisco brand on bottle label on desk with pink roses

Credit – CC0 License

The packaging makes a big difference

The way that most people are going to engage with products visually, and vice versa, is by looking at the packaging first and foremost. Working with a packaging design team, you can make sure that yours stands out but that it also follows some key elements of design.

For instance, the packaging should be honest to the product and authentic to its character, while also showing it off in the most tantalizing light.

Make it clear at first sight

In both terms of packaging and the design of the product itself, it shouldn’t be too ambiguous as to what, exactly, the product is supposed to be or do for the customer. If you look at it and you can’t immediately tell what the product is, you should simplify it.

Slap your name on it

This isn’t going to work with all products, of course. It can hard to brand many types of food, for instance. But for products made of plastics, metals, and even some others like soaps, you can add some visual identity to it by branding the product directly.

Using a copper stamping die is a relatively easy way to do this during the manufacturing process. It helps to build brand recognition which can also heighten the prestige value of the product itself.

Ensure it’s shown off in the right light

The first place that your customer is going to see the product isn’t always in a supermarket or department store. E-commerce makes it just as likely for it to be seen online first, too. To that end, you should consider working with product photography teams.

They can help you spruce up how you sell the product by making sure that it’s framed right, with the right backdrop and set pieces to make it stand out and be as aesthetically pleasing as possible.

See how it performs in the aisle

You might think that your product looks great, but you should try putting it to the test, as well. There are all kinds of product testing services, but package testing involves seeing how it performs on the shelf directly.

Often it involves mock shopping scenarios to see how real consumers react to your product in real or test shop environments, allowing you to see for yourself whether it is effective at catching their eye or not.

When it comes to the store shelves, you shouldn’t underestimate just how much the visual appeal of your product matters. Work on it, test it, and be confident that it will grab the attention of your target consumer.

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Images courtesy of Pixabay, UnSplash, and Pexels.

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Photo by ThisIsEngineering from Pexels

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