[List]Selling Your Home? Make It Look Amazing Now!

If the time has come for you to move on from your current home then chances are that want to sell it for a great price, as quickly as possible. There can be many reasons when selling your home, you may be relocating for work or school for example. It isn’t just about the lighting and how your home looks. Take a look below to find out how to get your home ready for sale.

selling your home patio view with home for sale sign

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Clear It Out

Before you even list your home for sale, you need to take the time to clear it out of all the junk that might be lying around. This is known as decluttering, it helps to make your home look clean and appealing when people take a look around. It is a common myth that people just look at the four walls when walking around your house.

They are looking at everything, if they see mess and clutter then potential buyers will assume you haven’t looked after your home. There is an easy way to do this, go to each room and sort your items into four piles. These piles consist of the stuff you want to keep, throw away, donate, and sell.

Clean It Up

Once you have got rid of all your clutter then it is time to clean your home top to bottom. Nobody wants to walk into a dirty house, they definitely won’t put in an offer if they don’t feel a connection with your property.

If your property is clean and organized then the photographers in the advert will look amazing. Once you have cleaned then it may be time to contact a home photography agency to take pictures of your house. If you don’t have time to do the cleaning yourself then you can use the help of a professional cleaning crew.

Broken Parts

Before photographers or people come around to look at your property it is a good idea to fix anything on your repairs to-do list. It may be a good idea to get a pre-sale inspection carried out on your home. This will highlight anything that needs doing before someone else takes over your property.

Whenever there are major problems then it may be better to use the help of a professional builder to fix them. Some of the most common repairs include damage to the roof, if this is the case then it can lead to an expensive repair bill. Fixing things as soon as they crop up will save you money in the long run.

Curb Appeal

Finally, you will want to make sure that the exterior matches the interior of your property. If your curb appeal looks shoddy and not at all welcoming then you may put buyers off of your home. Make sure that the windows are clean and maybe add a splash of color around the borders. You could also opt for some warm lighting by the front entrance, this always makes buyers want to enter.

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Images courtesy of Pixabay, UnSplash, and Pexels.

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