
Tips On Starting Your Freelance Consulting Career

Ever thought of starting your freelance consulting career, then you might want to consider these tips outlined in this contributed article. The points might help you determine if this career choice could be a good fit for you.

woman sitting in meeting with man and laptop ipad discussing freelance consulting career

There has been a considerable shift in the last few years when it comes to freelancing. Where once upon a time it was more the journalists and creatives, there is now a big call for more ‘heavyweight’ freelancers like lawyers and consultants.

There has been a considerable shift in the last few years when it comes to #freelancing. Click To Tweet

Business decision-making processes change when the socioeconomic and political climate change. This means that more and more large companies are hiring consultants, not from another large company but rather freelancers instead.

With a freelance consulting career, you need to be at the very top of your game, and exceptionally motivated. You may choose to specialize in a couple of areas or generalize in multiple fields.

If you have made the decision to move forward into freelance consulting, there are a couple of things that you should think about before you make the leap.


Why are you doing this? Are there some specific business sectors that you want to work in? Are you looking to get some exposure in some areas? Are you looking to make those big bucks?

Maybe you just have the critical skills right now, and it is the next logical step for you. Whatever it is, you should make sure they are solid reasons. Having this clarity will ensure that you pick projects that work for you and lend towards your final goals.


Get Out There

Start talking about who you are and what you do to as many people as you can get to listen. Networking and word of mouth are going to be two tremendous assets to you right now.

There is a big market for consultancy, so pricing and skills are super competitive. Before you set up as a consultant, make sure you head out to a few networking events and mixing in circles that will get you noticed.

Book a few meetings with older clients, or leaders in your field. Fix up your LinkedIn and start marketing yourself.

Be Price Smart

Before you set up a website or start talking about how much you charge for individual services, take a close look at your competitors. You need to know what your skills are worth, but also be flexible while you are gaining traction.

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A good starting point would be to look at the current day rate for a consultant within a company, in the same field or as close as possible to you.

In the early days, you might find you need to take a couple of clients at a slightly lower rate than what you’d ideally like. Just remember, that you are looking to make your name and make a living too.

Get Help

word help written with match sticks

There are a lot of skills you do have, and some that you don’t.

When it comes to things like accounting, you should be looking for software that takes the hassle out of it, Qdos accounting for contractors is ideal. After all your time is money, so why waste it.

You can also hire freelancers to run things like your social media, doing research, writing up proposals and so much more. Making the most of your time is going to be crucial.

Starting a freelance consulting career is super flexible and can be very lucrative, providing you put the groundwork in to get it set up.

Images courtesy of Pixabay.

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