turning the home into a real base of operations for a growing business


Starting a business from home gives you a tremendous opportunity to start making money without all the hefty startup expenses associated with renting or buying a separate property, allows you complete control over your work environment, and can be your first taste of real independence in how you earn your living. But you can’t just set up shop in the home and expect it to start running like a real business. As you grow, as you build client relationships, figure out your work schedule, and even look into hiring new team members, you have to turn that home into a real base of operations.


turning the home into a real base of operations for a growing business


Set Your Boundaries

A lot of people work happily from home. But there are plenty who struggle with it, too. Most of them struggle because they fail to set the ground rules that allow them to separate home life from work life. Find your work-life balance by making sure you set specific hours. If you live with others, make it clear that you can’t be interrupted or distracted from work during those hours unless it’s an emergency. Rigid boundaries might sound like they get in the way of the free-flowing, complete-control nature of working at the home, but it can save you a lot of stress.

Create An Actual Office

A big part of maintaining that balance is ensuring that you have a space for work and enough privacy. Free from distractions like televisions, with the right furniture to support you as you work and organize all the materials you need, creating a home office is crucial. As is dedicating the right space for it.

If you can find a separate room to use as a home office, then take it. Otherwise, try to find a portion of another room that doesn’t encroach on the rest of your home life. For instance, avoid having your office space in your bedroom if possible. It makes it harder to get into work mode in the morning, just as it makes it harder to shut off and relax at night. The lines blur a little too much, which is what you’re trying to avoid.

Make Sure Your Site Shines

Since your physical premises aren’t going to be used as a marketing tool (unless you feel like hanging a commercial sign outside your home), you’re going to have to think about picking up the slack with your other marketing methods. Some people already have negative assumptions about businesses run from home being unprofessional. Make sure your web presence and, most importantly, your site gives the exact opposite impression. Invest in a real site with high-quality branding. Produce well-written, valuable content for it. Spend plenty of time making sure that you’re active and have a relevant online presence.


turning the home into a real base of operations for a growing business


Get Remote

You can use the net for a lot more than marketing and building leads. Just because you run a business from home doesn’t mean that you can’t have employees. Remote workers are becoming much more common nowadays. They can work in a lot of different ways, too, whether it’s helping with social media management, producing content, working as virtual assistants, and much more.

To work well with a remote team, you have to be more closely engaged with ensuring that they’re productive and managing their time. However, many people are finding that remote working teams are actually more productive and more reliable in many cases than a team in a busy office.

A Place You Can Meet Clients

Small businesses and home-based businesses have a lot of issues when it comes to inviting clients and potential business partners to their place of operations. You don’t want to look unprofessional, so make sure your home actually looks like a business environment.

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Try find time when you’re alone in the home, free from distraction, and make sure your work environment is presented as neatly as possible. Maintain a high standard of the work environment, even outside. You might even think about investing in landscaping or asphalt repair to make sure there are no unsightly blemishes on the exterior. You want to avoid looking like you don’t have the attention to detail or the lack of care that contributes to an unprofessional looking environment. Otherwise, it’s a good idea to source some cafes or restaurants you can choose to meet them there instead.

Take Advantage Of The Benefits

The greatly reduced costs are one of the most widely celebrated benefits of starting a business from home. But working from home has another big financial benefit that you should be taking advantage of, too. You can get tax breaks specifically for working from home, including deductions based on any furniture, equipment, or resources that your purchase specifically for the business.

It’s worth hiring an accountant when it comes to tax time to help you take advantage of the benefits of running a business from home as best possible. There are also tax accounting software packages that can help you do it yourself if you don’t have the money to invest in professional help.


turning the home into a real base of operations for a growing business

Get Out Once In Awhile

Just because you run a business at home doesn’t mean you should be stuck in it. In fact, that’s one of the challenges that many home entrepreneurs face. They feel and become isolated. You can benefit as much as anyone from the networking opportunities around you. Find others in your industry and attend their networking events.

Take the time to meet more leads outside the workplace. Attend trade shows and conferences to learn from some of the most successful people in your line of work. If you start isolating yourself, you are going to feel more and more dissatisfied with your work. Not to mention, you could be missing out on the business partners that could offer real benefits to the business, including cross-promotional opportunities.

As the business continues to grow, you may eventually have to consider the possibility of moving it out from the home and into a home of its own. Until then, the tips above should help you ensure that you don’t let the home and the business blend together too much.

Great ideas that any home-based business or small business offline can implement. I hope you enjoyed reading this contributed article and more importantly, taking action.

Here’s to your success and motivation!

Images courtesy of Pexels


2 thoughts to “Turning The Home Into A Real Base Of Operations For A Growing Business

  • Kevon

    These are some really useful bits of advice for starting and running a business from home.

    My biggest issue is getting distracted all the time – TV, Internet, the bed, the people at home, you name it. So setting physical and time boundaries can and does help to create an appearance of an office.

    It’s funny that you have an image of a woman writing from her bed. That used to be me. But I found that unless I was supercharged and pumped writing on the bed or in the bedroom was a huge distraction. I guess it’s a mental thing. If it doesn’t look and feel like a workspace then you will not behave as if it’s a workspace and might end up doing everything else but work.

    I can also relate to your advice on getting out. Working from home can get boring real fast. It’s nice once in a while but going to the coffee shop or the library or just changing scenery makes a huge difference in productivity. Networking is also a neat way of meeting like-minded individuals in your market or industry.

    Thanks for sharing this article.



    • Michelle

      Thanks for visiting, Kevon.

      I am glad that you found the article insightful and that it ‘struck a few cords’ with you – trust me, you are in no way alone! As a business owner myself, working at home does have its perks and well, its drawbacks – albeit they might not be ‘huge’, but they exist nonetheless.
      Yes, defining the place you call ‘the office’ in a home environment takes a lot of discipline and respect. Yes, respect from all the inhabitants of the home space and not only yourself.

      Thankfully, it can be done.

      And, in agreement with you – getting out of the home office and visiting another ‘workspace’ as well as networking, helps to break the monotony and also improves your gratitude for having the option to work at home!

      Much success to you as well with your home-based office.


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