What Are The Leading Web Design Trends You Need To Know About?

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Understanding current web design trends is essential in ensuring that you choose a web design template that perfectly suits your company’s brand image.

While you can, of course, develop the basic template you choose, with the support of your website designers, knowing where to start helps streamline this process and ensures that you get the best website for you.

Minimalism is a key trend in web design. However, minimalism shouldn’t be confused with plain or boring. Minimalist graphic design that works well includes bright colors and bold graphics. These elements are used simply to profound effect, rather than being overused and overwhelming your visitors.

If minimalism isn’t quite right for you, then what about Brutalism and the use of asymmetry. Both techniques are web design trends that illustrate trending ways of inspiring free-form web design.

However, Brutalism needs to be used with care. If it does not fit your brand, then the results can look harsh and barren. Similarly, asymmetry, if overused, or not completely understood can make your design look awkward, and even visually unappealing.

Engaging photographic content is also important this year. Rather than using stock images, the best web design company will use good quality photographs that resonate with the visitor on an emotional level.

The same level of care needs to be taken with illustrations and the animations that you want to include on your website. Both should have a purpose if they are included on your site, and should not be used to simply fill space. They should also be of high quality and as with photographs, stock illustrations and animations should be avoided.

The importance of interactivity has been growing over recent years, and this is a trend that is set to continue in web design. It’s imperative for both design and digital marketing.

What is digital marketing? This is about using tactics to attract your relevant consumer base. Your site visitors want an experience that is entertaining and personalized. Games, polls, and quizzes all help deliver this for your brand.

However, the interactivity you chose must properly reflect your brand and your image. If it doesn’t then it is likely to, at best become an annoyance for visitors, and at worse give a poor impression of your business.

Questions should draw people in, be challenging and be just personal enough to then guide them in the direction of the right goods or services for them.

Another trend that is going to continue into 2021, is the importance of consistency. Your message must be consistent across all your channels, and one way to ensure this is with the consistency of design. If you are using the minimalist design on your website, this should be reflected in your social media and your print marketing.

The same is true of written content, marketing messages, illustrations, images, and animations. Everything should come together as a unified whole. This is important to remember if you are updating your business website through a CMS (content management system) after the basic layout and design has been completed by your website designers.

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Finally, but most importantly any website design must have the end-user as its focus at all times. This is not a new trend, but if you and your website designers only follow one trend this year, it should be this one.

Without your end-user feeling fully engaged, your design is unlikely to have the desired effect on your business. So yes, web design trends can definitely enhance your business!

Images courtesy of Pixabay, UnSplash, and Pexels.

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